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InstagramApi [InstaSharper]

Tokenless, butthurtless private API for Instagram. Get account information, media, explore tags and user feed without any applications and other crap.

Note that: there is a simple Instagram API based on web-version of Instagram. This repository based on Instagram API for mobile devices.

Build status Build Status Telegram chat GitHub stars

Current version: 1.2.5 [Stable], 1.2.6 [Under development]


This project intends to provide all the features available in the Instagram API up to v10.3.2. It is being developed in C# for .NET Framework 4.5.2 and .NET Standart 1.6

  • Please note that this project is still in design and development phase; the libraries may suffer major changes even at the interface level, so don't rely (yet) in this software for production uses. *

Cross-platform by design

Build with dotnet core. Can be used on Mac, Linux, Windows.

Easy to install

Use library as dll, reference from nuget or clone source code.


Currently the library supports following coverage of the following Instagram APIs:

  • - ready to use in latest stable version
  • - under development
    • will be implemented at some point

  • Login
  • Logout
  • Get user explore feed
  • Get user timeline feed
  • Get all user media by username
  • Get media by its id
  • Get user info by its user name
  • Get current user info
  • Get tag feed by tag value
  • Get current user media
  • Get followers list
  • Get followers list for currently logged in user
  • Get user tags by username
  • Get direct mailbox
  • Get recent recipients
  • Get ranked recipients
  • Get inbox thread
  • Get recent activity
  • Get recent following activity
  • Like media
  • Unlike media
  • Follow user
  • Unfollow user
  • Set account private
  • Set account public
  • Send comment
  • Delete comment
  • Upload photo
  • Get followings list
  • Delete media (photo/video)
  • Upload story (photo)
  • Change password
  • Upload video
  • Get user list autocomplete
  • Register new user
  • Get megaphone log
  • Explore feed
  • Get full account backup
  • Send direct message
  • Edit media
  • Share media
for more details please check Project roadmap

Easy to use

Use builder to get Insta API instance:

var api = new InstaApiBuilder()
                .UseLogger(new SomeLogger())
                .UseHttpClient(new SomeHttpClient())
                .SetUser(new UserCredentials(...You user...))
Note: every API method has synchronous implementation as well

Quick Examples


IResult<bool> loggedIn = await api.LoginAsync();

Get user:

IResult<InstaUser> user = await api.GetUserAsync();

Get all user posts:

IResult<InstaMediaList> media = await api.GetUserMediaAsync();

Get media by its code:

IResult<InstaMedia> mediaItem = await api.GetMediaByIdAsync("1234567891234567891_123456789);

Get user timeline feed:

IResult<InstaFeed> feed = await api.GetUserFeedAsync();

Comment post:

IResult<bool> postResult = await apiInstance.CommentMediaAsync("1234567891234567891_123456789", "Hi there!");
for more samples you can look at Examples folder

Special thanks

ADeltaX for contribution

mgp25 and his php wrapper for providing us with device id



Terms and conditions

  • Anyone who uses this wrapper MUST follow Instagram Policy
  • Provided project MUST NOT be used for marketing purposes
  • I will not provide support to anyone who wants this API to send massive messages/likes/follows and so on
  • Use this API at your own risk


This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Instagram or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial API wrapper.


Private Instagram API






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  • C# 100.0%