Testing JSON schemas against sample data
npm install json-schema-test
The module is designed to be used inside mocha test (global describe etc. should be avaliable).
Example usage:
var jsonSchemaTest = require('json-schema-test');
jsonSchemaTest([ ajv, tv4 ], {
description: 'My schema tests',
suites: {
'JSON-Schema tests draft4': './JSON-Schema-Test-Suite/tests/draft4/{**/,}*.json',
'Advanced schema tests': './tests/{**/,}*.json'
// async: true,
// asyncValid: true, // or 'data', deafult is true
afterEach: afterEachFunc,
// afterError: afterErrorFunc,
log: false,
cwd: __dirname,
hideFolder: 'draft4/',
timeout: 10000,
assert: chai.assert
function afterEachFunc(result) {
// result is an object with properties:
// validator, schema, data,
// valid (validation result), expected (expected validation result),
// errors (array of errors or null), passed (true if valid == expected)
// you can do some additional validation and logging
// ...
// Pass option log == false to prevent default error logging
// If result.passed is false the test will fails after this function returns
The library runs tests defined in JSON consructed using the same format as the tests in JSON-Schema-Tests-Suite.
Each test file should have this format:
{ // schema to be tested, there can be multiple schemas in each file
// only: true, // only this schema will be tested
// skip: true, // skip this schema
description: 'The description is shown in the test report',
// schema object or reference if the validator supports it
schema: { ... } // or 'http://schema.example.com/schema.json#',
// schemas: [] // array of schema objects or refs (schema property won't be used)
tests: [ // test cases for the schema
// only: true, // only this data sample will be tested
// skip: true, // skip this data sample
description: 'valid data', // shown in report
data: { ... }, // data object (can be any type)
// dataFile: './valid_data.json', // or the relative path to the file
valid: true // whether the data is valid for schema
description: 'invalid data',
data: { ... },
// dataFile: './channel_new_panel_sample.json',
'valid': false
// , ...
// , ...
The schema for the test file is in test_file_schema.json.
jsonSchemaTest(valdator, options)
Validator instance to be used or array of validator instances (in which case each test will run with each instance).
Validator should have validate(schema, data)
method and after validation should have errors property (array in case of failure, empty array or null in case of success).
If validator instance has different API you can use json-schema-consolidate as adapter (or just use some simple adaptor function).
- description - optional top level suite name (passed to top level describe).
- suites - the map of test suite names and paths to test files. Names are used in test report, paths are passed to glob module. Instead of glob paths, the array of filenames (objects with
properties) of of actual tests (objects withname
properties) can be passed. - async - pass
if validate function is asynchronous and returns the Promise. The promise should resolve with true or reject with the exception that has.errors
property (array of errors). The promise may also reject with any error (and if it is the expected result, the test case in json file should specifyerror
property with the message instead ofvalid
property). That is the asynchronous api of Ajv - use an adaptor in case you are using some validator with a different api. It's safe to use async option if some results are synchronous, the results will simply be wrapped in the promise. - asyncValid - pass 'data' if in case of successful validation promise resolves with validated data. Otherwise,
will be expected. - afterEach - the function that will be called after each test. The function is passed an object with properties validator, schema, data, valid, expected, errors, passed (see above in example).
- afterError - the function that is called if the test fails (the same result is passed as to afterEach function).
- log - log errors, true by default. Pass
to prevent default error logging. - only
to test only these suites- array of files to be tested (only the last element of the path and the name without
- skip
to skip all suites- array of files to skip.
- cwd - base path for files, passed to glob. Use
to pass paths relative to the module insuites
option. - hideFolder - don't show this folder name in test reports (files will be shown without folder).
- timeout - mocha test timeout in ms, 2000 by default.
- assert - optional assertions library. If not specified
from nodejs will be used that can be undesired when used in the browser. - Promise - Promise class used by validator in async mode. Only used if
option is true.