For support and latest updates, go to my personnal gitub repo
This module attends to avoid losing bluetooth pairings after reboot or airplane mode switch on rooted samsung devices.
It patches on the fly the bluetooth library and should support most of samsung devices on android Nougat, Oreo, Pie, 10, 11 and 12.
This patch is NOT applicable with an aosp rom, only samsung stock/based.
Due to limitations in Magisk, a manual step is required to fix pairing issues with Galaxy Watch devices. After installing the Magisk module, use a command line (like Terminal Emulator or Termux) to run the following commands, then reboot:
*Beware! /!\ Owners of the S21 series cannot use these commands (or you have to be SURE your vendor partition isn't read only or full) and must instead use the zip bellow to flash using TWRP. The commands below could brick your device /!*
$ su
$ mount -o remount,rw /vendor
$ i=`grep -lr 'security.wsm' /vendor/etc/vintf` && [ ! -z $i ] && [ $i != *.bak ] && cp --preserve=all $i $i.bak && sed -i "$((`awk '/security.wsm/ {print FNR}' $i`-1)),/<\/hal>/d" $i
$ mount -o remount,ro /vendor
Alternatively, instead of installing the Magisk module and running the commands, flash the zip file ( meant for TWRP recovery found on XDA under 'Links'.
- @topjohnwu for magisk
- @afaneh92 for the partition resizing script
- Initial release
- Add verification point, to know if we successfully hexpatch
- Add recovery installation support
- Modify hexpatch (more safer patch)
- Add support for chinese variants
- Check we try to apply the patch on a Samsung device & add missing chinese Note10+ 5G variant
- Fix brand and model detection for magisk manager and recovery installation
- Add support for chinese/global snapdragon on Pie
- Add support for chinese/global S/N9 snapdragon on Q & simplify the hexpatch
- Add support for A6, A10, A80, some S10e and N10 variants
- Apply the only known qcom fix to all of them
- Add some checks to avoid false negatives
- Support more arm devices
- Auto create tar with needed files in internal storage to fix unsupported devices
- Support more devices
- Misc optimizations
- Android 11 support
- Android Nougat support
- Misc optimizations
- Divers Android 11 fixes
- Large rewrite
- Detect now OTAs and reapply the patch if needed
- Misc fixes
- Fix OTA survival script
- Handle library changes from latest A505FN firmware and possibly others devices
- Android 12 support
- Handle few specific devices
- Fix qcoms on Android 12
- Add A105F on Android 11
- Final release on Magisk modules repo
- Update for Magisk v24.0
- Misc updates