Variety of mostly useless and redundant scripts made for fun in Python. All of them are simple in use and have basic functionality, some are left unfinished since forever. A lot of them were made long ago, circa 2013.
- advent_code - Two tasks made for the Advent of Code 2019.
- decode_it - Three tasks done for the "DECODE-IT" contest. At some point I realized I was late to the party (the contest was about to end). Had fun while it lasted.
- - Program demonstrating the complexity of Ackermann's recursion algorithm.
- - Quiz for Algorithms' test. Made in Polish.
- - Simple app with purpose to annoy the user with its sounds.
- - Visualizes bruteforce in a pleasant way. No real functionality.
- - Based on the first and second element of the sequence, calculate any element of the sequence.
- - Drawing squares using turtle. Nothing special really.
- - Generate a bulk of strings. Useful for file names.
- - Finds "times" with specific property in given range.
- - Calculator made for fun to figure out, hypothetically, how much money can a person spend monthly to live until retirement with the lottery money evenly distributed across months.
- - Removes appropriate characters from string to make the string ordered alphabetically.
- - Merges data from all xlsx files in a directory into one, separate worksheet.
- - Never finished script that intended to help configure a Cisco router.
- - Very obscure, crude and simple timer. Works only on Windows.
- - Scraper which uses Selenium to get some data from college's website about administration workers and saves said data to csv file.
- - RPG text-based game that was abandoned early. One of the first scripts I wrote. Only first stage exists and it's very crude. Also, terrible coding inside!
- - Dota 2 app that gives verbose advice about picking heroes in Dota. It was useless then and even more useless now, since meta in Dota 2 changes rapidly. One of the oldest of my Python scripts.