Web application for the management of hours and tasks you work on human talent within a company.
Python 3
- Create a virtual enviroment
python3 -m venv backoffice-env
- Windows
- Unix/macOS
source backoffice-env/bin/activate
Clone repo or download
Enter and install dependencies
cd backoffice
cd ubicutus_backoffice
pip install -r requeriments.txt
python3 manage.py migrate
python3 manage.py runserver
Create an account and enter with same user
email: name@ubicutus.com
password: name123456
Then you can use the app
If you want to try the counter: "Horas Trabajadas" > "Registrar Tarea" And then enter in the link: Select the task in the dropdown menu and click: "Asignar Hora" And then you can use the counter.