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add documentation for KKT systems (#114)
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The docstrings for the KKT system look awesome! merging this to the master
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frapac committed Oct 21, 2021
1 parent 9d66840 commit 10be68c
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Showing 4 changed files with 463 additions and 314 deletions.
247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions src/KKT/KKTsystem.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@

abstract type AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT<:AbstractMatrix{T}} end

AbstractUnreducedKKTSystem{T, MT} <: AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT}
Augmented KKT system associated to the linearization of the KKT
conditions at the current primal-dual iterate ``(x, s, y, z, ν, w)``.
The associated matrix is
[Wₓₓ 0 Aₑ' Aᵢ' -I 0 ] [Δx]
[ 0 0 0 -I 0 -I ] [Δs]
[Aₑ 0 0 0 0 0 ] [Δy]
[Aᵢ -I 0 0 0 0 ] [Δz]
[V 0 0 0 X 0 ] [Δν]
[0 W 0 0 0 S ] [Δw]
* ``Wₓₓ``: Hessian of the Lagrangian.
* ``Aₑ``: Jacobian of the equality constraints
* ``Aᵢ``: Jacobian of the inequality constraints
* ``X = diag(x)``
* ``S = diag(s)``
* ``V = diag(ν)``
* ``W = diag(w)``
abstract type AbstractUnreducedKKTSystem{T, MT} <: AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT} end

AbstractReducedKKTSystem{T, MT} <: AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT}
The reduced KKT system is a simplification of the original Augmented KKT system.
Comparing to [`AbstractUnreducedKKTSystem`](@ref)), `AbstractReducedKKTSystem` removes
the two last rows associated to the bounds' duals ``(ν, w)``.
At a primal-dual iterate ``(x, s, y, z)``, the matrix writes
[Wₓₓ + Σₓ 0 Aₑ' Aᵢ'] [Δx]
[ 0 Σₛ 0 -I ] [Δs]
[Aₑ 0 0 0 ] [Δy]
[Aᵢ -I 0 0 ] [Δz]
* ``Wₓₓ``: Hessian of the Lagrangian.
* ``Aₑ``: Jacobian of the equality constraints
* ``Aᵢ``: Jacobian of the inequality constraints
* ``Σₓ = X⁻¹ V``
* ``Σₛ = S⁻¹ W``
abstract type AbstractReducedKKTSystem{T, MT} <: AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT} end

AbstractCondensedKKTSystem{T, MT} <: AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT}
The condensed KKT system simplifies further the [``AbstractReducedKKTSystem`](@ref)
by removing the rows associated to the slack variables ``s`` and the inequalities.
At the primal-dual iterate ``(x, y)``, the matrix writes
[Wₓₓ + Σₓ + Aᵢ' Σₛ Aᵢ Aₑ'] [Δx]
[ Aₑ 0 ] [Δy]
* ``Wₓₓ``: Hessian of the Lagrangian.
* ``Aₑ``: Jacobian of the equality constraints
* ``Aᵢ``: Jacobian of the inequality constraints
* ``Σₓ = X⁻¹ V``
* ``Σₛ = S⁻¹ W``
abstract type AbstractCondensedKKTSystem{T, MT} <: AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT} end


"Number of primal variables associated to the KKT system."
function num_variables end

Return a pointer to the KKT matrix implemented in `kkt`.
The pointer is passed afterward to a linear solver.
function get_kkt end

"Get Jacobian matrix"
function get_jacobian end

"Get Hessian matrix"
function get_hessian end

Initialize KKT system with default values.
Called when we initialize the `InteriorPointSolver` storing the current KKT system `kkt`.
function initialize! end

Assemble the KKT matrix before calling the factorization routine.
function build_kkt! end

Compress the Hessian inside `kkt`'s internals.
This function is called every time a new Hessian is evaluated.
Default implementation do nothing.
function compress_hessian! end

Compress the Jacobian inside `kkt`'s internals.
This function is called every time a new Jacobian is evaluated.
By default, the function updates in the Jacobian the coefficients
associated to the slack variables.
function compress_jacobian! end

jtprod!(y::AbstractVector, kkt::AbstractKKTSystem, x::AbstractVector)
Multiply with transpose of Jacobian and store the result
in `y`, such that ``y = A' x`` (with ``A`` current Jacobian).
function jtprod! end

regularize_diagonal!(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem, primal_values::AbstractVector, dual_values::AbstractVector)
Regularize the values in the diagonal of the KKT system.
Called internally inside the interior-point routine.
function regularize_diagonal! end

set_jacobian_scaling!(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem, scaling::AbstractVector)
Set the scaling of the Jacobian with the vector `scaling` storing
the scaling for all the constraints in the problem.
function set_jacobian_scaling! end

is_inertia_correct(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem, n::Int, m::Int, p::Int)
Check if the inertia ``(n, m, p)`` returned by the linear solver is adapted
to the KKT system implemented in `kkt`.
function is_inertia_correct end

# TODO: temporary
"Return true if KKT system is reduced."
function is_reduced end

"Nonzero in Jacobian"
function nnz_jacobian end

# TODO: we need these two templates as NLPModels does not implement
# a template for dense Jacobian and dense Hessian
"Dense Jacobian callback"
function jac_dense! end

"Dense Hessian callback"
function hess_dense! end

Generic functions
function initialize!(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem)
fill!(kkt.pr_diag, 1.0)
fill!(kkt.du_diag, 0.0)
fill!(kkt.hess, 0.0)

function regularize_diagonal!(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem, primal, dual)
kkt.pr_diag .+= primal
kkt.du_diag .= .-dual

Base.size(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem) = size(kkt.aug_com)
Base.size(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem, dim::Int) = size(kkt.aug_com, dim)

# Getters
get_kkt(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem) = kkt.aug_com
get_jacobian(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem) = kkt.jac
get_hessian(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem) = kkt.hess
get_raw_jacobian(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem) = kkt.jac_raw

# Fix variable treatment
function treat_fixed_variable!(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT}) where {T, MT<:SparseMatrixCSC{T, Int32}}
length(kkt.ind_fixed) == 0 && return
aug = kkt.aug_com

fixed_aug_diag = view(aug.nzval, aug.colptr[kkt.ind_fixed])
fixed_aug_diag .= 1.0
fixed_aug = view(aug.nzval, kkt.ind_aug_fixed)
fixed_aug .= 0.0
function treat_fixed_variable!(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT}) where {T, MT<:Matrix{T}}
length(kkt.ind_fixed) == 0 && return
aug = kkt.aug_com
@inbounds for i in kkt.ind_fixed
aug[i, :] .= 0.0
aug[:, i] .= 0.0
aug[i, i] = 1.0

function is_inertia_correct(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem, num_pos, num_zero, num_neg)
return (num_zero == 0) && (num_pos == num_variables(kkt))

function build_kkt!(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT}) where {T, MT<:Matrix{T}}
copyto!(kkt.aug_com, kkt.aug_raw)

function build_kkt!(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT}) where {T, MT<:SparseMatrixCSC{T, Int32}}
transfer!(kkt.aug_com, kkt.aug_raw, kkt.aug_csc_map)

compress_hessian!(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem) = nothing



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