- Higher Half Kernel
- Keyboard, mouse, ATA, PCI and BGA drivers
- VFS with Dev and Ext2 FileSystem support
- Paging, physical and virtual memory managers
- Userspace processes and threads
- Libc - At this moment contains Posix syscalls and malloc
- Libsystem - Custom MacaronOS syscalls, logging and EventLoop
- Libipc - Low level one to many connections sending bytes to each other
- Tools/protocol_generator.py - Genrates a complex serializable messages what works on top of Libipc
- System/WindowServer - Compositing window server for applications
- Libgraphics - Android-like library for graphcis primitives
- Libui - Android-like GUI library
- Macaronlib - A library that's shared beetween userspace and kernel. Declares the system's ABI and contains STL-like templates
The building process is described here. Just follow the top answer.
apt install fuseext2
brew install e2fsprogs
apt install e2fsprogs
brew install qemu
But the best option for mac is to build it yourself. More info here.
apt install qemu-system-i386 qemu-utils
brew install i686-elf-gcc
brew install nasm
apt install nasm
Get Macabuilder
Macabuilder is a build system developed to simplify Macaron OS building process. You can find build instructions here.
After everything's set up, just launch Macabuilder executable from the root project directory. It will find MacaronOS.maca file, build and run MacaronOS.