This script will install Homebrew from a policy in JAMF. It will install
Xcode Command Line Tools if needed as well. The script has logging built in
that uses the parameters from JAMF.
Parameter 4 -eq Your log file path. (Recommended "/Library/Logs/<Company Name>")
Parameter 5 -eq Your log file name. (Recommended "<scriptName>.log")
Parameter 6 -eq Your Company Name for the Log
You can also test the script from the command line by sending some empty variables.
(e.x. empty1 empty2 empty3 "/Library/Logs/<Company Name>" "<scriptName>.log" "<Company Name>"
This script creates the folder Homebrew in one of the two paths below.
M1/arm64 installs into: /opt/homebrew
Intel installs into: /usr/local
This script will create a Jamf extension attribute to record Homebrew version.
It uses the same method to detect device type and looks where the script installs.
*If Homebrew is installed in different locations this will not detect it!*