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Database schema

Yaron Shahrabani edited this page Dec 6, 2021 · 10 revisions


  • Users - All possible actors in the system.
  • Invitations - The active and inactive current invitations.
  • Event log - Aggregation of events conducted by the different parties in the system.


Primary key - user_id.

  • user_id - Identification for a specific user (UUID).
  • first_name - User's first name.
  • last_name - User's last name.
  • user_role - Permission level for the user.
    • user - Regular users.
    • guard - Security guards operating the gate.
    • admin - Security moderators reponsible for the total security and the gatekeeping.
  • cellular_number - User's cellular phone number (Should be restricted with Regex)
  • email - User's email address (Should be restricted with Regex).
  • creation_timestamp - The timestamp of the user creation.
  • modify_timestamp - The timestamp of the user modification.
  • is_active - Is the user currently active.


Primary key - invitation_id.

  • invitation_id - Identification for an active or inactive current invitation (UUID).
  • user_id - The identification of the inviter (UUID).
  • invitees_admitted - Number of guests already passed the gate.
  • invitees_amount - Number of total invited guests.
  • invitees_arrival_timestamp - The time and date when the guests are supposed to arrive.
  • is_active - The status of the request.
  • creation_timestamp - When was this entry created.
  • modify_timestamp - When was the last action performed on this entry.
  • comment_for_guard - Some free text for the guard, limited to a reasonable amount of characters.

Event log

Primary key - event_id.

  • event_id - Identification for a past event. (UUID)
  • event_timestamp - Time stamp of the event.
  • event_type - Classification of the event occured, could be one of the following:
    • Invitation creation (created) - The user created an invitation.
    • Invitation modification (modified) - The user modified the invitation.
    • Guest entered (entered) - The guard actively approved a guest.
    • Guest cancelled (cancelled) - The guard fixes a mistake of wrongly indicated entry.
    • Guard shift start (guard_in) - The guard started a shift.
    • Guard shift end (guard_out) - The guard ended a shift.
  • amount_before - Amount of X before the event (For example 5 guests invited) applicable for all except guard shift start\end.
  • amount_after - mount of X after the event (For example 4 guests remaining) applicable for all except guard shift start\end.
  • user_id - Who's invitation is this? - Correlates to the User's UUID, applicable for all except guard shift start\end.
  • guard_id - The identification of the guard performed the action.
  • invitation_id - The identification of the invite in question, applicable for all except guard shift start\end.

erd diagram

Source Editor
Table users {
  user_id UUID [pk] 
  first_name varchar(255)
  last_name varchar(255)
  cellular_number varchar(20)
  email varchar(255)
  user_role varchar
  is_active boolean
  creation_timestamp timestamptz
  modify_timestamp timestamptz

Table invitations { invitation_id UUID [pk] user_id UUID invitees_amount INT invitees_admitted INT invitees_arrival_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ is_active BOOLEAN creation_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ modify_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ comment_for_guard TEXT }

Table event_log { event_id UUID event_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ event_type varchar amount_before INT amount_after INT user_id UUID guard_id UUID invitation_id UUID }

Ref: invitations.user_id > users.user_id
Ref: event_log.user_id > users.user_id Ref: event_log.guard_id > users.user_id Ref: event_log.invitation_id > invitations.invitation_id