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Java Version


A Minecraft plugin for paper servers.


The bot can currently do all the checked items, unchecked will be implemented in the future.

  • Display discord messages in the minecraft chat
    • Discord messages can be sent to the bot via direct message
    • Discord messages can be sent to any server channel the bot is present on
  • Display minecraft messages in a discord chat
  • managing a "#mincraft-server" channel on a specific discord server
    • this includes that only members with a role can see this channel and write in it

  • whisper between a discord user and a minecraft user
  • linking between a discord and a minecraft account
Remember that this plugin is currently in its beta phase!
All the functionalities will be added in the future!


  1. Download the latest release and put it into <your server directory>/plugins.
  2. Restart the server.
  3. Create a new discord bot here.
    1. Log in to your discord account
    2. Click on New Application in the top right corner.
    3. Give you application a name and click Create
    4. Go to the side bar on the left and click Bot
    5. Click Copy on the right-hand side underneath Token and Click to reveal token.
  4. Go into the console of your server and type token <your discord bot token>
    OR go into the <serverDirectory>/plugins/MCDC/config.yml file and change the value of apiToken to your token.


<server directory>/plugins/MCDC/config.yml:

Default config:

# Configuration file for plugin MCDC
# Author: MaFeLP (

# if the message should be shortened
# Allowed values: <true|false>
useShortMessageFormat: false

# the prefix displayed in the console before logs and in
# Allowed values: any String
pluginPrefix: '§8[§6MCDC§8]§0: §r'

# The name of the server displayed in discord messages
# Allowed values: any string
serverName: 'A Minecraft Server'

# If additional information should be displayed.
# Allowed values: <true|false>
debug: false

# The Token used to create your bot instance
# Allowed values: any String
apiToken: 'Your API Token goes here!'

# The String used before commands in the discord channels
# Allowed values: any String
discordCommandPrefix: '.'

# Discord Channel IDs to broadcast messages to.
   - 1234

# Permission section for setting permission levels

   # Permission for minecraft command /config
      # Required OP level
      level: 3
      # A list of UUIDs of Players who have a wildcard to use this command.
         - a unique ID

   # Discord Server Admins are allowed to create Channels and Roles
      # A list of discord IDs of users who have a wildcard to use this command
         - 1234

   # Discord Bot admins, use cases may follow.
      # A list of authorised bot users.
         - 1234

# If the command parser should treat \ as a normal character
# Allowed values: <true|false>
saveEscapeCharacterInConfig: true

Get the ID of a text channel:

  1. In your discord app open the user settings (next to your mute buttons)
  2. Go to the tab Appearence
  3. Scroll down and in the tab Advanced check the box Developer Mode
  4. Close the settings and right click on a text channel. Then click Copy ID

Building from source

  1. Install the following dependencies:
  2. Open a shell and paste the following command in
git clone
cd MCDC/

Using custom java version Java 8:

In pom.xml edit the value for <java.version>:

Using java 8:
  1. In this shell run:

Automated in macOS and Linux:

sh -c "./bash-scripts/"

On Windows, (macOS and Linux: not automated):

mvn clean
mvn validate
mvn compile
mvn test
mvn package
mvn verify
  1. Copy the file MCDC/target/mcdc-VERSION.jar into your servers plugin folder.
  2. Continue with Installation