this repo is used to deploy elasticsearch with kibana as SIEM
with swarm and traefik support
then deploy
- elastic-agent for handle device integration to collect logs
- winlog-beats with sysmon on windows clients
- opnsense with zenarmor and syslog
+ deploy logstash from pfelk
+ deploy logstash with helk
some files copied from this repo
cd into every folder (you need to run) and run following command in correct folder.
do not foget to create
files andcp
conf templates (described in READMEs).
$docker-swarm-compose elasticsearch
$docker-swarm-compose kibana
$docker-swarm-compose logstash
$docker-swarm-compose elastic-agent
$docker-swarm-compose apm
$docker-swarm-compose filebeat
use docker-swarm to manage and start containers.
for that is in each service following defined:
mode: replicated
replicas: 1
max_replicas_per_node: 1
# - "${NODE_ID}"
- "node.role==${NODE_ROLE}"
condition: on-failure
- target: ...
published: ...
mode: host
to start this configuration with all supportings between docker-stack and docker-composer run it with following commando:
$docker-compose config | docker stack deploy --compose-file - <STACK_NAME>
or create directly an alias for it:
$alias docker-swarm-compose="docker-compose config | docker stack deploy --compose-file -"
and run:
$docker-swarm-compose <STACK_NAME>
run following on the host system:
$sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
☕ COFFEE is a HUG in a MUG ☕