You need to use docker and docker-compose to run this project. If you don't have them installed, follow the instructions here.
The files that need to be edited for any paper are:
- _config.yml
- _data/figures.yml
- _data/authors.yml
- paper_components/
- paper_components/
- paper_components/
Everything else should generate automatically.
- Any fields that you do not want to use must be commented out in the yaml files. This is done by adding a '#' at the beginning of the line. (Ex: ln 12 in _config.yml which comments out the supplementary_pdf)
The _config.yaml file contains all the information about the paper. The only fields that need to be edited are:
Paper Information ->
- paper_name : The title of the paper
- organization : The organization that the paper is associated with
- sub_organization : The department that the paper is associated with
Paper Resources ->
- paper_pdf : The path to the pdf of the paper
- supplementary_pdf : The path to the supplementary pdf of the paper
- code : The path to the code for the paper (preferable GitHub)
- arXiv : The path to the arXiv page for the paper
- IEEE : The path to the IEEE page for the paper
- favicon : The path to the favicon for the paper page
- All favicons must be .ico files. You can convert any image to a .ico file here
- Make sure the is in the assets/images folder for GitHub pages compatibility
The _data/figures.yml file contains all the information about the figures for the paper. The only fields that need to be edited are:
- filename : The filename of the figure
- The image needs to be in the assets/images folder for GitHub pages compatibility.
- jpeg/jpg files must be name .JPG (all caps) for GitHub pages compatibility
- caption : The caption for the figure
The _data/authors.yml file contains all the information about the authors for the paper. The format for the file is:
- name: Shail Dave
position: PhD
github: shail-dave
linkedin: daveshail
organization: Arizona State University
sub_organization: School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence
primary: true
Each of these fields is optional. Any fields that are not used should be removed per author.
- The information here shows up on the cards screen when the author named is clicked on.
- The only fields represented on the main page are name and primary.
- primary is meant to indicate major contributors, it shows as "*" on the main page and a badge on the author cards
You file should have the abstract for the paper. This is the only file that requires markdown.
The file should have the bibtex reference for the paper. This is the only file that requires markdown.
The file should have the description for the paper or any additional information you want to include.
- This is the only file that requires markdown.
- Latex Math is supported in this file.
The web hosting is handled by GitHub Pages. The process is rather straight forward.
- If you the paper does not have code or a repository, create a new repository.
* If you the paper **has a repository**, create a new branch in the repository. Preferable titled "pages" * Clone the repo and that branch and remove all existing code. * Copy all files from this repo into the new branch and edit as per instructions above