You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 42
Chain3 python package supports python3.5.3 and up.
Chain3 python can be installed (preferably in a virtualenv) using pip as follows:
$ pip install chain3
If you run into problems during installation, you might have a broken environment, such as you are on an unsupported version of Python or another package might be installed that has a name or version conflict Often, the best way to guarantee a correct environment is with virtualenv, like:
$ which pip || curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python
$ which virtualenv || pip install --upgrade virtualenv
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p python3 ~/.venv-py3
$ source ~/.venv-py3/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
$ pip install --upgrade chain3
To use the virtualenv next time, run the following command:
$ source ~/.venv-py3/bin/activate
from chain3 import Chain3
chain3 = Chain3(Chain3.HTTPProvider("", request_kwargs={'timeout': 30}))
Returns the current network id. For MOAC, mainnet network id = 99, testnet network id = 101.
print('network id:'+ str(chain3.version.network))
Convenience API to access chain3.providers.rpc.HTTPProvider
Chain3(Chain3.HTTPProvider("", request_kwargs={'timeout': 30}))
string:The string to hash using the SHA3 algorithm. options:optional,need set to hex for HEX string.
hash = chain3.sha3("the string to be hashed");
hashOfHash = chain3.sha3(hash,{encoding:'hex'});
This property is read only and returns the number of connected peers.
peerCount = chain3.net.peerCount;
This property is read only and says whether the node is actively listening for network connections or not.
listenState = chain3.net.listening;
Returns the current Coinbase address.
nodeCoinbase = chain3.mc.coinbase;
Returns boolean as to whether the node is currently mining.
miningState = chain3.mc.mining;
print(miningState); //true or false
Returns the list of known accounts.
nodeAccounts = chain3.mc.accounts;
Returns the number of the most recent block
nowBlockNumber = chain3.mc.blockNumber;
Returns the number of transactions in the block specified by block_identifier.
Delegates to mc_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber if block_identifier is an integer or one of the predefined block parameters 'latest', 'earliest', 'pending', otherwise delegates to mc_getBlockTransactionCountByHash.
transactionCount = chain3.mc.getBlockTransactionCount(96160);
Returns the balance of the given account at the block specified by block_identifier.
account may be a hex address or an ENS name
balance = chain3.mc.getBalance("0x36eaa71d7383be53cb600743aad08a55222a4915", block_identifier=chain3.mc.defaultBlock);
print("getBalance1" + balance); //instanceof BigNumber
print("getBalance2" + balance.toString(10));
//Result: getBalance1:3.04527226722e+21
// getBalance2:3045272267220000000000
The default block number that will be used for any RPC methods that accept a block identifier. Defaults to 'latest'.
defultBlock = chain3.mc.defaultBlock;
print("defaultBlock" + defultBlock);
//default is latest,
chain3.mc.defaultBlock = 123;
print("defaultBlock" + defultBlock);
Returns the current gas price in Sha = 1e-18 mc. GasPrice is calculated from most recent blocks.
gasPrice = chain3.mc.gasPrice;
Uses the selected gas price strategy to calculate a gas price. This method returns the gas price denominated in sha. The transaction_params argument is optional however some gas price strategies may require it to be able to produce a gas price.
result = chain3.mc.estimateGas({
to :"0xf7ebc6b854a202efe08e91422a44ba2161ed50dc",
data: '0x23455654'
//gas: 11, //Optional, gaslimit of the TX
//gasPrice: 11 //Optional, gasPrice
print('estimateGas :'+ result);
//Output:gasprice :20000000000
// estimateGas :1273
Returns the bytecode for the given account at the block specified by block_identifier. account may be a hex address or an ENS name
code = chain3.mc.getCode("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000065");//contract address
Returns either False if the node is not syncing or a dictionary showing sync status.
sync = chain3.mc.syncing;
print('syncing :'+ sync );
'currentBlock': 2177557,
'highestBlock': 2211611,
'knownStates': 0,
'pulledStates': 0,
'startingBlock': 2177365,
blockHash = "0x6aa4a0db1fc155009bd9ba3a64c1aef109e1418dc05ee241d3e9e3e58d7f3eeb";
transaction = chain3.mc.getTransaction(blockHash);
print('get transaction:'+ str(transaction));
/* Result:
get transaction: AttributeDict({
'blockHash': HexBytes('0x77483002572dd29b58640c4ccf5ef30278679037ff17b51cf613f3df562e5e0a'),
'blockNumber': 815006,
'from': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000064',
'gas': 0,
'gasPrice': 20000000000,
'hash': HexBytes('0x6aa4a0db1fc155009bd9ba3a64c1aef109e1418dc05ee241d3e9e3e58d7f3eeb'),
'input': '0xc1c0e9c4',
'nonce': 815005,
'syscnt': '0x65',
'to': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000065',
'transactionIndex': 0,
'value': 0,
'v': 0, 'r': HexBytes('0x00'), 's': HexBytes('0x00'),
'shardingFlag': 0})
Returns the block specified by block_identifier. Delegates to mc_getBlockByNumber if block_identifier is an integer or one of the predefined block parameters 'latest', 'earliest', 'pending', otherwise delegates to mc_getBlockByHash.
If full_transactions is True then the 'transactions' key will contain full transactions objects. Otherwise it will be an array of transaction hashes.
getTheBlock = chain3.mc.getBlock(815006);
print('get the block: '+ str(getTheBlock));
/* Result:
get the block({
'difficulty': 86803583,
'extraData': HexBytes('0xdd854d4f41432d85312e302e312d87676f312e392e358777696e646f7773'),
'gasLimit': 9000000,
'gasUsed': 0,
'hash': HexBytes('0x77483002572dd29b58640c4ccf5ef30278679037ff17b51cf613f3df562e5e0a'),
'logsBloom': HexBytes('0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
'miner': '0x0a2168D2f08161c01745fEC4e6E8FE06F314Ab41',
'mixHash': HexBytes('0xc154897a85ca63bbbbb76b618a288f6b33f7d2994848dc9c43c6d65e6a5da355'),
'nonce': HexBytes('0x829f5b23cdf8224f'),
'number': 815006,
'parentHash': HexBytes('0x73c0e4a94b48b41bf5a6a22151e38799a0e17e8b798848af5340f6d725027af1'),
'receiptsRoot': HexBytes('0x9287370eb27f11b0c2188431cbc58a23b685f02dbd851ed4d974f932bd780839'),
'sha3Uncles': HexBytes('0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347'),
'size': 590,
'stateRoot': HexBytes('0x615d0a39783ae546e11aa0cd6e00c70c2ec989f51316c0f9e07cfc99f1088669'),
'timestamp': 1535530608,
'totalDifficulty': 136959813601540,
'transactions': [HexBytes('0x6aa4a0db1fc155009bd9ba3a64c1aef109e1418dc05ee241d3e9e3e58d7f3eeb')],
'transactionsRoot': HexBytes('0x7aba2a9c974693f1cfb96d506e6aa62942a174b4df39c831cf844a35e03249f0'),
'uncles': []
Unlocks the given account for duration seconds. If duration is None then the account will remain unlocked indefinitely. Returns boolean as to whether the account was successfully unlocked.
chain3.personal.unlockAccount(mc.accounts[0], 'password')
Start the CPU mining process using the given number of threads.
chain3.miner.start(2) # number of threads
Stop the CPU mining operation
Sets the minimum accepted gas price that this node will accept when mining transactions. Any transactions with a gas price below this value will be ignored.
Returns the transaction receipt specified by transaction_hash. If the transaction has not yet been mined returns None
txr = chain3.mc.getTransactionReceipt('0x77483002572dd29b58640c4ccf5ef30278679037ff17b51cf613f3df562e5e0a')
/* Result:
'blockHash': HexBytes('0x77483002572dd29b58640c4ccf5ef30278679037ff17b51cf613f3df562e5e0a'),
'blockNumber': 815006,
'contractAddress': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000065',
'cumulativeGasUsed': 0,
'from': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000064',
'gasUsed': 0,
'logs': [],
'logsBloom': HexBytes('0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
'status': 1,
'to': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000065',
'transactionHash': HexBytes('0x6aa4a0db1fc155009bd9ba3a64c1aef109e1418dc05ee241d3e9e3e58d7f3eeb'),
'transactionIndex': 0})
Returns the number of transactions that have been sent from account as of the block specified by block_identifier.
chain3.mc.getTransactionCount('0x87E369172Af1e817ebD8d63bcD9f685A513a6736', block_identifier=chain3.mc.defaultBlock)
Signs and sends the given transaction
The transaction parameter should be a dictionary with the following fields.
- from: bytes or text, hex address or ENS name - (optional, default: chain3.mc.defaultAccount) The address the transaction is send from.
- to: bytes or text, hex address or ENS name - (optional when creating new contract) The address the transaction is directed to.
- gas: integer - (optional) Integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution. It will return unused gas.
- gasPrice: integer - (optional, default: To-Be-Determined) Integer of the gasPrice used for each paid gas
- value: integer - (optional) Integer of the value send with this transaction
- data: bytes or text - The compiled code of a contract OR the hash of the invoked method signature and encoded parameters.
- nonce: integer - (optional) Integer of a nonce. This allows to overwrite your own pending transactions that use the same nonce.
If the transaction specifies a data value but does not specify gas then the gas value will be populated using the estimateGas() function with an additional buffer of 100000 gas up to the gasLimit of the latest block. In the event that the value returned by estimateGas() method is greater than the gasLimit a ValueError will be raised.
shardingFlag:integer - (optional for Global Transactions), MicroChain flag, default value is 0 for Global TXs. To call MicroChain, this value has to be 1.
via: bytes or text, hex addres - (optional for Global Transactions), vode beneficial address, default is null for Global TXs. For microChain call
'value': 100000,
'gasPrice': chain3.mc.gasPrice,
'shardingFlag': 0,
'via': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',})
Sends a signed and serialized transaction. Returns the transaction hash.
private_key = '0x94645c7a048771045f90e0b88adf3ddf5afbb5029c2b1b5586d5afa9ba87c8f5'
signed_txn = chain3.mc.account.signTransaction(
'chainId': networkid,
'shardingFlag': 0,
'via': '0x',
/* Result: tx hash
DAPP Development*
- Move to MOAC
- MOAC Transaction Format
- Chain3 JavaScript lib
- Chain3 Python lib
- Get Testnet MOAC
DAPP Examples
Information Websites
Connect to MOAC network