Fuxi v2.1.0
This release runs on mainnet and contains all the updates from Fuxi 2.0.5.
Mainnet will be updated after block height 6780000, estimated fork time is on Monday, May 18th, 2021.
Enabled the web3 RPC commands and transactions can be send to MOAC basechain/mother chain with Ethereum EIP155 signed methods.
Added the precompiled contract for BLS12-381 curve operations as suggested on Ethereum EIP-2537(https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2537). This new feature will enable the operations such as BLS signature verification and perform SNARKs verifications on MOAC network, which are required for future cross-chain operations.
Fixed the issue of parameters in eth_subscribe method, the VNODE client supports all four parameters in eth_subscribe method:
- newHeads
- logs
- newPendingTransactions
- syncing
VNODE客户端增加了对web3的接口支持,使得用户可以使用以太坊的 EIP155 签名方式发送交易到MOAC基础链/母链。这次升级可以让开发者使用以太坊类的开发工具,如MetaMask,直接接入MOAC基础链。
在VNODE客户端增加了支持以太坊 EIP-2537(https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2537) 中 BLS12-381 签名的预编译合约模块,使得MOAC网络能够使用和以太坊网络相同的签名验证算法,来验证BLS和SNARKS的签名。这个新的特征为下一步实现MOAC网络和以太坊网络的跨链做准备,也是MOAC网络上实现聚合自动化市商(AMM)的一个重要工具。
- newHeads
- logs
- newPendingTransactions
- syncing