Fuxi v2.0.6
This release runs on testnets only and the new features will be enabled after block height 5330000 on the testnet.
This release added the precompiled contract for BLS12-381 curve operations as suggested on Ethereum EIP-2537. This new feature will enable the operations such as BLS signature verification and perform SNARKs verifications on MOAC network, which are required for future cross-chain operations and building cross-chain AMMs.
本次更新在VNODE客户端增加了支持以太坊 EIP-2537 中 BLS12-381 签名的预编译合约模块,使得MOAC网络能够使用和以太坊网络相同的签名验证算法,来验证BLS和SNARKS的签名。这个新的特征为下一步实现MOAC网络和以太坊网络的跨链做准备,也是MOAC网络上实现跨链聚合自动化市商(AMM)的一个重要工具,。