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"Basic" How to Setup

Zack T edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 3 revisions

Below will be the basics to get PkgBot setup and working. Everything could easily be customized further if desired.

  1. Install the prerequisites:

    • Git
    • AutoPkg
    • JSSImporter
    • ngrok
      • Only required if setting up for testing/development work
    • RabbitMQ
    • Ngnix
      • Only required if you want run the PkgBot app on a port below 1024 (e.g. port 80/443)
      • Install from source or via homebrew -- numerous guides exist on the interwebs
  2. Clone this repo and store it on your AutoPkg Runner.

    • cd /Library/AutoPkg && sudo mkdir PkgBot
    • sudo chgrp -R staff PkgBot && sudo chmod -R g+swx PkgBot
    • git clone [-b <branch>] PkgBot
  3. Install the requirements

    • e.g. /usr/local/autopkg/python -m pip install -r /Library/AutoPkg/PkgBot/requirements.txt
    • Or, if you're simply testing, create a virtual environment and install the requirements
  4. Create a Slack Bot/App

    • Note: You can test PkgBot without creating the SlackBot -- obviously expect for the actual Slack notifications part
    • There are numerous tutorials on how to do this and I'm not going to go over the entire process here. I will simply provide the configuration requirements. Official documentation
    • Features/Functionality required
      • Incoming Webhooks
        • Create a webhook to post to the desired channel
      • Interactivity & Shortcuts
        • Set a Request URL under Interactivity that the Bot will send messages too and your server will receive on
          • e.g.
          • or, if using ngrok: (see below)
        • Create a Shortcut; e.g.
          • Where should this shortcut appear? On Messages
          • Name: Promote Pkg
          • Short Description: Promote a pkg to a Policy
          • Callback ID: promote_pkg
        • Set a Options Load URL under Select Menus
          • Use the same URL used in the a Request URL under Interactivity
      • Slash Commands
        • Create a Slash command; e.g.
          • Command: /pkgbot
          • Request URL:
          • Short Description: Ask PkgBot to run AutoPkg
          • Usage Hint: help|<verb> [<args> <options>]
      • Bots
      • OAuth & Permissions
        • Scopes
          • Bot Token Scopes
            • channels:history (upcoming version will need)
            • chat:write
            • commands
            • files:write
            • incoming-webhook
            • reactions:read
            • reactions:write
            • users:read (upcoming version will need)
    • Tokens/Secrets/Keys required:
      • Bot User OAuth Token
      • Signing Secret
      • Bot Name
      • Channel
        • Channel it will be posting into
  5. Ensure your PkgBot "server" can communicate with Slack's API

    • For testing, you can utilize ngrok to allow communication from Slack to your dev box.
      • There are numerous tutorials on how to do this and I'm not going to go over the entire process here. I will simply provide the configuration requirements. Official documentation
        • Follow steps two through four above
          • The port used in step four wil need to be defined in your pkgbot_config.yaml
            • e.g. ngrok http 443
      • After starting ngrok, grab the forwarding address from your terminal
        • e.g. Forwarding -> http://localhost:443
          • the forwarding address is:
      • The forwarding address will need to be entered into your Slack Bot configuration
  6. Optionally, create a private/public certificate for use with Uvicorn (not required when testing with ngrok)

    • Generate a private key and a CSR:
      • openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout private.key -out pkgbot.csr
    • Obtain a publicly trusted cert using the CSR
    • Update your pkgbot_config.yaml with these values
  7. Configure your environments' settings:

    • PkgBot:
      • Starting template can be found in: PkgBot/examples/settings/pkgbot_config.yaml
        • Copy file to: [/path/to/]PkgBot/Settings/pkgbot_config.yaml
      • Some other settings files can be found in: [...]/PkgBot/settings/
    • Celery: [...]/PkgBot/settings/
    • RabbitMQ: (This is just a minimum example of the possible configurations; the RabbitMQ server must be running to execute these commands)
      • Setup a user for PkgBot services to use
        • Create a user
          • rabbitmqctl add_user "<username>"
        • Set permissions for created user:
          • rabbitmqctl set_permissions "<username>" ".*" ".*" ".*"
        • Delete the default guest user:
          • rabbitmqctl delete_user "guest"
        • Optionally, set the desired level of access for the user:
          • rabbitmqctl set_user_tags <username> <access_level_tag>
    • Ngnix
      • Run the following command to locate the ngnix configuration file path and open it:
        • nginx -t
        • Update the config file with the contents in PkgBot/examples/settings/nginx.conf
  8. Start the required services:

    • Change directory: cd /Library/AutoPkg/PkgBot
    • PkgBot:
    • Celery: /usr/local/autopkg/python -m celery -A PkgBot.celery worker --loglevel=info
    • Celery Beat: /usr/local/autopkg/python -m celery -A PkgBot.celery beat -s Database/schedule_db --loglevel=info
    • RabbitMQ: rabbitmq-server
    • nginx
    • To ensure the required services are always running:
      • Example LaunchDaemon services are provided (in PkgBot/examples/launchdaemons) that can be put in /Library/LaunchDaemons then bootstrapped and enabled:
        • PkgBot: com.github.mlbz521.pkgbot.plist
        • Celery: com.github.mlbz521.pkgbot.celery.plist
      • RabbitMQ: sudo brew services start rabbitmq
        • This will create a service managed by Brew
      • Nginx: sudo brew services start nginx
        • This will create a service managed by Brew
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