Before running the client, ensure you have Node.js installed (version 18 or higher).
1 . Navigate to the client directory:
cd client
2 . Install dependencies using Yarn:
3 . Replace .env.example variables and rename it as .env file
4 . Start the development server:
yarn start:dev
Before running the server, ensure you have Node.js installed (version 18 or higher) and Docker installed and running.
1 . Navigate to the server directory:
cd server
2 . Install dependencies using Yarn:
3 . Replace .env.example variables and rename it as .env file
4 . Generate Prisma client:
yarn prisma:generate
5 . Start Docker in the server directory:
docker-compose up -d
6 . Run database migrations with Prisma:
yarn prisma:migrate
7 . Start the development server:
yarn start:dev