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Merge pull request #20 from javiergcas/dynamic_reports
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enh:initial commit of dynamic plots
  • Loading branch information
emdupre authored Nov 12, 2019
2 parents 70bbe10 + d834b30 commit 27f7ac8
Showing 1 changed file with 394 additions and 0 deletions.
394 changes: 394 additions & 0 deletions tedana/reporting/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
# ---
# jupyter:
# jupytext:
# formats: ipynb,py:percent
# text_representation:
# extension: .py
# format_name: percent
# format_version: '1.2'
# jupytext_version: 1.2.4
# kernelspec:
# display_name: tedana-hack
# language: python
# name: tedana-hack
# ---

# %%
import holoviews as hv
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool, CustomJS, Div, Range1d
from import Tap
from bokeh.embed import components
from bokeh.layouts import row, column
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
import hvplot.xarray
from tedana.reporting import generate_report

from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from tedana.utils import get_spectrum
import os.path as osp


# %%
OUTDIR = '/opt/tedana-hack/tedana/docs/DynReports/data/TED.five-echo/'
TR = 2
state2col = {'accepted': '#00ff00', 'rejected': '#ff0000', 'ignored': '#0000ff'}

# %%
def load_comp_ts(comp_ts_DIR):
meica_mix_Path = osp.join(comp_ts_DIR,'meica_mix.1D')
meica_mix = np.loadtxt(meica_mix_Path)
[Nt,Nc] = meica_mix.shape
DF = pd.DataFrame(meica_mix)
DF.columns = ['C'+str(c).zfill(3) for c in np.arange(Nc)]
DF.rename(columns={'index':'Volume'}, inplace=True)
CDS = ColumnDataSource(DF)
return CDS, Nt, Nc

# %%
def prepare_comp_table(comp_table_DIR):
Create Bokeh ColumnDataSource with all info dynamic plots need
comp_table_DIR: str
tedana output directory where to find comp_table
CompTable_CDS: bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource
Data structure with all the fields to plot or hover over
Nc: int
Number of components
CompTable_Path = osp.join(comp_table_DIR, 'comp_table_ica.tsv')
DF = pd.read_csv(CompTable_Path, sep='\t')
Nc = DF.shape[0]
# When needed, remove space from column names (bokeh is not happy about it)
DF.rename(columns={'variance explained': 'var_exp'}, inplace=True)

# For providing sizes based on Var Explained that are visible
mm_scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(4, 20))
DF['var_exp_size'] = mm_scaler.fit_transform(
DF[['var_exp', 'normalized variance explained']])[:, 0]

# Ranks
DF['rho_rank'] = DF['rho'].rank(ascending=False).values
DF['kappa_rank'] = DF['kappa'].rank(ascending=False).values
DF['var_exp_rank'] = DF['var_exp'].rank(ascending=False).values
# Remove unsed columns to decrease size of final HTML
DF.drop(['normalized variance explained', 'countsigFR2', 'countsigFS0', 'dice_FS0',
'countnoise', 'dice_FR2', 'signal-noise_t', 'signal-noise_p',
'd_table_score', 'kappa ratio', 'rationale', 'd_table_score_scrub'],
axis=1, inplace=True)

# Create additional Column with colors based on final classification
DF['color'] = [state2col[i] for i in DF['classification']]

CompTable_CDS = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
kappa_rank = DF['kappa_rank'],
rho_rank = DF['rho_rank'],
varexp_rank = DF['var_exp_rank'],
component=[str(i) for i in DF['component']],

return CompTable_CDS, Nc

# %%
def tap_callback(CDS_comp_table, CDS_meica_ts, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, div):
Javacript function to animate tap events and show component info on the right
CDS: bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource
Data structure containing a limited set of columns from the comp_table
div: bokeh.models.Div
Target Div element where component images will be loaded
CustomJS: bokeh.models.CustomJS
Javascript function that adds the tapping functionality
return CustomJS(args=dict(source_comp_table=CDS_comp_table, source_meica_ts=CDS_meica_ts,
div=div_content, outdir=OUTDIR), code="""
// Accessing the selected component ID
var data =;
var selected = source_comp_table.selected.indices;
var selected_padded = '' + selected;
while (selected_padded.length < 3) {
selected_padded = '0' + selected_padded;
// Creating a new version 000 --> C000
var selected_padded_C = 'C' + selected_padded
// Updating TS Plot
var Plot_TS =;
var TS_x = Plot_TS['x']
var TS_y = Plot_TS['y']
var Comp_TS =;
var Comp_TS_y = Comp_TS[selected_padded_C]
for (var i = 0; i < TS_x.length; i ++) {
TS_y[i] = Comp_TS_y[i]
// Updating FFT Plot
var Plot_FFT =;
var FFT_x = Plot_FFT['x']
var FFT_y = Plot_FFT['y']
var Comp_FFT =;
var Comp_FFT_y = Comp_FFT[selected_padded_C]
for (var i = 0; i < FFT_x.length; i ++) {
FFT_y[i] = Comp_FFT_y[i]
console.log('selected = ' + selected_padded)
div.text = ""
var line = "<span><img src='" + outdir + "/figures/comp_"+selected_padded+".png'" +
" alt='Component Map' height=1000 width=900><span>\\n";
console.log('Linea: ' + line)
var text = div.text.concat(line);
var lines = text.split("\\n")
if (lines.length > 35)
div.text = lines.join("\\n");

# %%
def create_krPlot(CDS_comp_table, CDS_meica_ts, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, div):
Create Dymamic Kappa/Rho Scatter Plot
CDS_comp_table: bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource
Data structure containing a limited set of columns from the comp_table
div: bokeh.models.Div
Target Div element where component images will be loaded
krFig: bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure
Bokeh scatter plot of kappa vs. rho
# Create Panel for the Kappa - Rho Scatter
kr_hovertool = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Component ID', '@component'), ('Kappa', '@kappa'),
('Rho', '@rho'), ('Var. Expl.', '@varexp')])
krFig = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400,
tools=["tap,wheel_zoom,reset,pan,crosshair", kr_hovertool],
title="Kappa / Rho Plot")'kappa', 'rho', size='size', color='color', alpha=0.5, source=CDS_comp_table,
krFig.xaxis.axis_label = 'Kappa'
krFig.yaxis.axis_label = 'Rho'
krFig.toolbar.logo = None
krFig.legend.background_fill_alpha = 0.5
krFig.legend.orientation = 'horizontal'
krFig.legend.location = 'bottom_right'
krFig.js_on_event(Tap, tap_callback(CDS_comp_table, CDS_meica_ts, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, div))
return krFig

# %%
def create_ksortedPlot(CDS_comp_table, CDS_meica_ts, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, Nc, div):
Create Dymamic Sorted Kappa Plot
CDS_comp_table: bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource
Data structure containing a limited set of columns from the comp_table
div: bokeh.models.Div
Target Div element where component images will be loaded
ksorted_Fig: bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure
Bokeh plot of components ranked by kappa
# Create Panel for the Ranked Kappa Plot
ksorted_hovertool = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Component ID', '@component'), ('Kappa', '@kappa'),
('Rho', '@rho'), ('Var. Expl.', '@varexp')])
ksorted_Fig = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400,
tools=["tap,wheel_zoom,reset,pan,crosshair", ksorted_hovertool],
title="Components sorted by Kappa")'kappa_rank', 'kappa', source=CDS_comp_table, size=3, color='color')
ksorted_Fig.xaxis.axis_label = 'Kappa Rank'
ksorted_Fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'Kappa'
ksorted_Fig.x_range = Range1d(-1, Nc + 1)
ksorted_Fig.toolbar.logo = None
ksorted_Fig.js_on_event(Tap, tap_callback(CDS_comp_table, CDS_meica_ts, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, div))

return ksorted_Fig

# %%
def create_rho_sortedPlot(CDS_comp_table, CDS_meica_ts, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, Nc, div):
Create Dymamic Sorted Kappa Plot
CDS_comp_table: bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource
Data structure containing a limited set of columns from the comp_table
div: bokeh.models.Div
Target Div element where component images will be loaded
fig: bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure
Bokeh plot of components ranked by kappa
# Create Panel for the Ranked Kappa Plot
hovertool = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Component ID', '@component'), ('Kappa', '@kappa'),
('Rho', '@rho'), ('Var. Expl.', '@varexp')])
fig = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400,
tools=["tap,wheel_zoom,reset,pan,crosshair", hovertool],
title="Components sorted by Rho")'rho_rank', 'rho', source=CDS_comp_table, size=3, color='color')
fig.xaxis.axis_label = 'Rho Rank'
fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'Rho'
fig.x_range = Range1d(-1, Nc + 1)
fig.toolbar.logo = None
fig.js_on_event(Tap, tap_callback(CDS_comp_table, CDS_meica_ts, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, div))

return fig

# %%
def create_varexp_sortedPlot(CDS_comp_table, CDS_meica_ts, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, Nc, div):
Create Dymamic Sorted Kappa Plot
CDS_comp_table: bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource
Data structure containing a limited set of columns from the comp_table
div: bokeh.models.Div
Target Div element where component images will be loaded
fig: bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure
Bokeh plot of components ranked by kappa
# Create Panel for the Ranked Kappa Plot
hovertool = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Component ID', '@component'), ('Kappa', '@kappa'),
('Rho', '@rho'), ('Var. Expl.', '@varexp')])
fig = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400,
tools=["tap,wheel_zoom,reset,pan,crosshair", hovertool],
title="Components sorted by Variance Explained")'varexp_rank', 'varexp', source=CDS_comp_table, size=3, color='color')
fig.xaxis.axis_label = 'Variance Rank'
fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'Variance'
fig.x_range = Range1d(-1, Nc + 1)
fig.toolbar.logo = None
fig.js_on_event(Tap, tap_callback(CDS_comp_table, CDS_meica_ts, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, div))

return fig

# %%
def generate_spectrum_CDS(CDS_meica_mix,TR,Nc):
spectrum, freqs = get_spectrum(['C000'], TR)
Nf = spectrum.shape[0]
DF = pd.DataFrame(columns=['C'+str(c).zfill(3) for c in np.arange(Nc)],index=np.arange(Nf))
for c in np.arange(Nc):
cid = 'C' + str(c).zfill(3)
ts =[cid]
spectrum, freqs = get_spectrum(ts, 2)
DF[cid] = spectrum
DF['Freq'] = freqs
CDS = ColumnDataSource(DF)
return CDS,Nf

# %%
def create_ts_plot(CDS_comp_table, CDS_meica_ts, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, Nt, Nc):
fig = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=200,
tools=["tap,wheel_zoom,reset,pan,crosshair", HoverTool(tooltips=[('x','@x'),('y','@y')])],
title="Component Time Series")
fig.line('x','y',source=CDS_TSplot, line_color='black',line_width=3)
fig.xaxis.axis_label='Time [Volume]'
fig.toolbar.logo = None
fig.x_range = Range1d(0, Nt)
return fig

# %%
def create_fft_plot(CDS_comp_table, CDS_meica_ts, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, Nt, Nc,Nf):
fig = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=200,
tools=["tap,wheel_zoom,reset,pan,crosshair", HoverTool(tooltips=[('x','@x'),('y','@y')])],
title="Component Spectrum")
fig.line('x','y',source=CDS_FFTplot, line_color='black',line_width=3)
fig.xaxis.axis_label='Frequency [Hz]'
fig.toolbar.logo = None
fig.x_range = Range1d(0, Nf)
return fig

# %%

# %%
# Page Genearation
# 1) Load the Comp_table file into a bokeh CDS
[CDS_CompTable, Nc] = prepare_comp_table(OUTDIR)
# 2) Load the Component Timeseries into a bokeh CDS
[CDS_meica_mix,Nt, Nc] = load_comp_ts(OUTDIR)
# 3) Generate the Component Spectrum and store it into a bokeh CDS
[CDS_meica_fft,Nf] = generate_spectrum_CDS(CDS_meica_mix,TR,Nc)
# 4) Generate a Flat Line into a bokeh CDS (this is what get plotted in the TS graph)
CDS_TSplot = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=np.arange(Nt),y=np.zeros(Nt,)))
# 5) Generate a Flat Line into a bokeh CDS (this is what get plotted in the FFT graph)
CDS_FFTplot = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=np.arange(Nt),y=np.zeros(Nt,)))
# 6) DIV
div_content = Div(width=600, height=900, height_policy='fixed')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 7) Create the Kappa/Rho Scatter Plot
kappa_rho_plot = create_krPlot(CDS_CompTable, CDS_meica_mix, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, div_content)
# 8) Create the Ranked Kappa Plot
kappa_sorted_plot = create_ksortedPlot(CDS_CompTable, CDS_meica_mix, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, Nc, div_content)
# 9) Create the Ranked Rho Plot
rho_sorted_plot = create_rho_sortedPlot(CDS_CompTable, CDS_meica_mix, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, Nc, div_content)
# 10) Create the Ranked Variance Explained Plot
varexp_sorted_plot = create_varexp_sortedPlot(CDS_CompTable, CDS_meica_mix, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, Nc, div_content)
# 11) Create the Component Timeseries Plot
ts_plot = create_ts_plot(CDS_CompTable, CDS_meica_mix, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, Nt, Nc)
# 12) Create the Component FFT Plot
fft_plot = create_fft_plot(CDS_CompTable, CDS_meica_mix, CDS_meica_fft, CDS_TSplot, CDS_FFTplot, Nt, Nc,Nf)
# 13) Create a layout
app = column(row(kappa_rho_plot, kappa_sorted_plot, rho_sorted_plot, varexp_sorted_plot), row(ts_plot,fft_plot), div_content)
# 14) Create Script and Div
(kr_script, kr_div) = components(app)
# 15) Embed into Report Template
generate_report(kr_div, kr_script, file_path='/opt/report_v2.html')

# %% [markdown]
# ***

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