This Summariser web-APP is designed to summarise the call logs and answer questions based on the questions asked by the user, along with a time navigation functionality.
The UI: Link
This app supports an extensive functionalities which is both user and developer friendly. The App has two screens mainly, which allows the users to enter the documents through a URL and asks them for their approval on the facts. Document Addition Screen: This screen allows the users to enter the documents through a URL and asks them for their approval on the facts. Questions Answer Screen: This screen allows navigation through a date slider where the user can get the details based on the dates provided in the call logs.
There are two major end points mainly :
- This for submitting the question and the URLs . The endpoint would be
- This for retrieving the details submitted the question and the URLs . The endpoint would be
The main app is built using FastAPI framework, which supports both UI and the API endpoints. FastAPI was chosen becuase of the ease of incorporating multiple features.
The UI is built using Gradio. Gradio is an open-source Python library that enables to quickly create UIs for your machine learning models. This was again chosen because of its high compatability with the FastAPI components.
From Model Perspective, Hugging Face's-Mistral_7B_Instruct_v0.2 link, was chosen for getting the summaries of logs, leveraging its zero shot capabilities.
The request with proper prompt is sent and the output is processed accroddingly. For this Hugging Face Inference API has been used, to minimise the cost of deployment. Given the ZeroShot capabilities of Mistral, it was able to give correct answers, in most of the test cases.
The class summaryWriter, is responsible for receiving the urls and questions and interact with the LLM and finally store the values in a Database. The class contains multiple utilitarian modularised functions to enhance the functionality of the app. SQLite is chosen because of its light weighted nature, and incorporating a database could eventually help in scaling up.
All scripts are in python language and its supported libraries have been used.
Development strategy was mainly using Test Driven Development, where use cases where multiple usecases were predefine earlier.
Testing was done on test logs in the /test_logs directory. With multiple questions, and to check whether the app handles all errors effectively.
Note: During testing it was oberved that, for certain random test cases, the LLMs provides on output in a different format. Even though the system is designed to handle all possible errors, and has the prompt engineered, there could be some error, due to the fact that Mistral can hallucinate. To mitigate one can self host the model and fine tune it, with use cases. We can also make it more efficient by implementing a RAG framework as mentioned in MISTRAL_AI
Also, Please ensure the URLS end with the format "call_log_20240314_104111.txt", where the last characters denotes the timestamp of the call log.
As this project aims to delivery accuracy in minimal cost of deployment, Hugging Face's inference API is being used.
Even though Mistral is the best in its LLM category, it is prone to hallucinate, even after a tuning the prompt very finely.This can lead to errors, while processing the outputs.
One other limitation is the payload. In this solution we use the inference APIs to access model, which gives us less control over the size of the message sent.
To mitigate the above two problems, one can implement a self hosted LLM and finetune it according to the use case. However,the solution comes with a cost. To improve the accuracy one can also implement a RAG framework to deliver optimal results.
One possible risk of the solution implemented is prompt injection, where in unwanted prompts are injected to the input prompt, resulting in a abnormal behavior of the model. Again this can be mitigated using fully secure self hosted service.