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Detecting Damaged Buildings on Post-Hurricane Harvey (TX) Satellite Imagery

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@dbuscombe-usgs dbuscombe-usgs released this 22 Jul 20:00
· 1 commit to main since this release

Detecting Damaged Buildings on Post-Hurricane Satellite Imagery (doi:10.21227/sdad-1e56)

Modified from here by removing duplicates

Data originally taken from here
can be cited with
the original paper is here:

Unfortunately, the source of the satellite imagery is not stated, however, it appears to be Maxar (~0.5 m horizontal grid size)

Locations are written into the filename

Contents small image tiles, cropped out of larger imagery (128x128x3 pixels)

  • 14,022 damaged buildings
  • 7,037 undamaged buildings

from the paper: "Essentially, the building coordinates, which can be easily obtained from publicdata (e.g., OpenStreetMap [2]), can be used as the centers of cropping. We use the building coordinates already associated with the damage labels fromTomnod. A window is then cropped from the raw satellite imagery to create a data sample. Tomnod volunteers’ annotation of flooded/damaged buildings istaken as the ground truth for the positive label, ‘Flooded/Damaged building’.At the same coordinates, we crop windows from the imagery captured beforethe hurricane to create negative data samples, labeled ‘Undamaged building’."