ICL-D3IE: In-Context Learning with Diverse Demonstrations Updating for Document Information Extraction
Congratulations on our paper being accepted by ICCV 2023! We will continue to update the repository.
We propose a simple but effective in-context learning framework called ICL-D3IE, which enables LLMs to perform DIE with different types of demonstration examples.
Installation for Project,if you need to study the robustness of the model to text shift, you need to install Textattack
git clone https://anonymous.4open.science/r/ICL-D3IE-B1EE && cd ICL-D3IE
Dataset | Link |
FUNSD | download |
CORD | download |
SROIE | download |
The data is processed as follows, like "****.json",set your input path and run preprocess_{ }.py
{text:"TAX 5.455",Box:[490 743 819 777]}{text:"TOTAL 60.000",Box:[101 820 851 858]}{text:"(Qty 2.00",Box:[314 820 615 856]}{text:"EDC CIMB NIAGA No: xx7730 60.000",Box:[138 898 847 938]}{text:"901016",Box:[97 604 212 635]}...
The data is processed as follows, like "****.json",set your GT path and run preprocess_{ }.py
{text:"TAX 5.455",Box:[490 743 819 777],entity:SUB_TOTAL.TAX_PRICE}{text:"TOTAL 60.000",Box:[101 820 851 858],entity:TOTAL.TOTAL_PRICE}{text:"(Qty 2.00",Box:[314 820 615 856],entity:TOTAL.MENUQTY_CNT}{text:"EDC CIMB NIAGA No: xx7730 60.000",Box:[138 898 847 938],entity:TOTAL.CREDITCARDPRICE}{text:"901016",Box:[97 604 212 635],entity:MENU.NUM}
Use GPT3 to predict the ouput perfectly!
cd GPT3 && python gpt3_{ }.py
Or use ChatGPT to predict the ouput perfectly!
cd chatgpt && python chatgpt_{ }.py
cd eval && python eval_{ }.py