Releases: M2mobi/Marky-Mark
Fix for list item spacing with dynamic type fonts
This release makes sure the space between list-items is correctly rendered with large fonts
Dynamic type and short url's
This release adds support for Dynamic Type in Swift. As you can see in the read me, it will be as simple as opt-ing in to font scaling by doing the following:
markDownView.hasScalableFonts = true
It also allows setting a maximum font-size related to the font-scaling, such as:
markDownView.styling.paragraphStyling.maximumPointSize = 24
- Add support for style links
Fixes bug with multiple link's that contain a title on the same line, such as
- Fixes bug with multiple link's that contain a title on the same line, such as
"[Google]( "great-url-title") test [Google]( "a11y title") and even more [[](](]%28https// "Apple-aria-label") test"
- Removes hardcoded Swift 4 version
Fix links that contain special characters in the aria-label
Fix links that contain special characters in the aria-label
Fix links such as Alt text, which has a special character in the aria-label "Some-test"
Bugfix UrlOpener
- Since the last release, urlOpener was no longer working. This release fixes the issue.
- This issue improves the ListRule, allowing anywhere between 1 and 4 spaces after the * symbol
Support for title in link tags
Adds support for links like: [Google]( "custom title").
Also fixes a bug where detected rules inside a link would not be discarded correctly.
would appeared incorrectly.
Custom LayoutBlockBuilders on MarkdownTextView
Added feature on MarkdownTextView to add custom LayoutBlockBuilders.
Swift Package Manager support
Breaking changes
- In order for URL handling to keep working (in some cases),
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool
has to be implemented inAppDelegate
- Since this release is only beneficial for SPM users, there's currently no CocoaPods version of this code (yet).
MarkDownTextView expose UITextView creation
Allow subclassing MarkDownTextView
Changed access of MarkdownTextView from public to open to allow subclassing