Working with HMV (HilfsMittelVerzeichnis).
A Hearing Aid is developed by the vendor and checked by the higher authority. If the hearing aid meet the requirements it will get a HMV number and the health insurance (Krankenkasse) will pay a fixed amount, based on a prescription (Verordnung) from a doctor.
Further information:
The Information, provided by the gKV (gesetzliche KrankenVersicherer), is not useable for process automation. A List in XML Format is provided at: Just search for the latest 'Bundeseinheitliches Hilfsmittel- und Pflegehilfsmittelverzeichnis (ZIP, 4,1 MB)' (unpacked >50MB).
Because I can't find a way to use MySQL 'LOAD XML' to handle hv:... Tags, you'll need to 'Search and replace' in any editor and change '<hv:' to '<hv_'.
- create a database, if not existing
- drop table, if existing
- create the clean table
- load data into the table
- Limit result to only hearing aid
- CONCAT the HMV Number to usabele format
- Extract data from hv:MERKMALE to various fields
The second public available Source is the HMv Nuber List from the vendor sivantos.
- drop table if exist
- create clean table
- load data in table