iOS 8.0-9.0.2 Jailbreak for 32-bit Devices
Download and sideload the IPA from the latest release.
- A5(X) devices: iPhone 4S; iPad 2, 3, mini 1; iPod touch 5
- A6(X) devices: iPhone 5, 5C; iPad 4
EverPwnage has an "Install Untether" toggle, which controls the installation of daibutsu untether or EverUntether, depending on the device and iOS version:
- The toggle is enabled by default for a fully untethered jailbreak.
- Users can manually disable the toggle if they prefer to remain semi-untethered.
- A6(X) devices (iOS 8.0-8.4.1) and A5(X) devices (iOS 8.3-8.4.1) use daibutsu untether
- daibutsu untether utilizes dyld_shared_cache patch for bypassing codesigning and sock_port_2_legacy for the untether executable, developed by kok3shidoll (v2.0.3)
- A5(X) devices (iOS 8.0-8.2) and all devices on iOS 9.0-9.0.2 use EverUntether, which combines:
- jsc_untether by staturnz (thanks to their work and assistance)
- A forked version of daibutsu untether (based on v1.2.3), updated to replace Trident with sock_port_2_legacy, and some fixes for 9.0.x support
If you are using other iOS 8 jailbreaks like EtasonJB, HomeDepot, or openpwnage, you can switch to EverPwnage. Jailbreaking with EverPwnage and keeping the "Install Untether" toggle enabled will switch your device to daibutsu untether or EverUntether.
Do not use EverPwnage if your device is already jailbroken with these: Pangu8, Pangu9, TaiG, PPJailbreak, wtfis (not for 32-bit devices)
These jailbreaks are already untethered and/or incompatible with 32-bit devices in the case of wtfis.
This project is built using Xcode 10.1 and macOS High Sierra 10.13.6.
- Special thanks to kok3shidoll, Clarity, and staturnz for their incredible work and support. This jailbreak wouldn’t have been possible without them
- Thanks to Merculous for testing and feedback
- exploit: sock_port_2_legacy
- untether and patches: daibutsu untether (GitHub repo)
- got IOKit stuff and other learnings from: wtfis
- base of this jailbreak: openpwnage