This project contains a webapp to monitor the performance of the raspberry pi and its temperatures. It was developed using the express framework.
This script uses the system file '/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp' available in all raspberry pi. This file contains the real time temperature.
Project is created with:
- Express Nodejs
- Websocket
- Node os utils
To run this project, install it locally:
$ git clone
$ cd raspberryMonitoringWebApp
$ npm install
$ nano config.json
$ npm start
To customize the script settings you need to edit the 'config.json' file.
$ nano config.json
- EXPRESS_PORT: port of the web server;
- WS_PORT: port of the webSocket;
- HOST: host url, example localhost ( or internal ip (;
- MAX_TEMP: maximum temperature in degrees Celsius (For color graphics).
In the repository there is an example in the file 'raspberryMonitoringWebAppExample.service' to insert the script into the system services. It is necessary to edit the working directory within it.
$ nano raspberryMonitoringWebAppExample.service
$ cp raspberryMonitoringWebAppExample.service /etc/systemd/system/
$ sudo systemctl enable raspberryMonitoringWebAppExample
$ sudo systemctl start raspberryMonitoringWebAppExample
To stop the service:
$ sudo systemctl stop raspberryMonitoringWebAppExample
To delete the service:
$ sudo systemctl disable raspberryMonitoringWebAppExample
$ sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/raspberryMonitoringWebAppExample.service