This project was developed in 2015 by Marco Guazzone and includes exercises to be completed for the lab portion of the course. It includes algorithms in C regarding stack, data sorting, binary search trees, and hash tables.
The purpose is not to make other people copy these exercises, but to propose a possible solution.
Project includes:
- Stack exercises
- Postfix eval with stack
- Sorting exercises
- Sorting compare and test
- Binary search trees
- Hash tables
- More exercises
- You will need a Unix environment, the gcc compiler and the valgrind debugger to check for possible memory leaks.
To run this project, install it locally:
$ git clone
$ cd UPOalglib_core_toolkit
To compile and execute:
- Stack exercises
$ make clean bin
$ make clean test
$ ./test/test_stack
$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./test/test_stack
- Postfix eval with stack
$ make clean apps
$ ./apps/postfix_eval -f data/postfix.txt
$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./apps/postfix_eval -f data/postfix.txt
- Sorting exercises
$ make clean bin
$ make clean test
$ ./test/test_sort
$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./test/test_sort
- Sorting compare and test
$ make clean apps
$ ./apps/sort_compare -h
$ ./apps/sort_compare -a insertion -a merge -a quick -a stdc -n 10000 -r 3 -s 5489
$ ./apps/sort_playlist_multi -i data/playlist_multi.txt -s year -s artist -s album
$ ./apps/sort_playlist_multi -i data/playlist_multi.txt -s artist -s year -s album
$ ./apps/sort_playlist_multi -i data/playlist_multi.txt -s artist -s album -s year
- Binary search trees
$ make clean bin
$ make clean test
$ ./test/test_bst
$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./test/test_bst
$ ./test/test_bst_more
$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./test/test_bst_more
- Hash tables
$ make clean bin
$ make clean test
$ ./test/test_hashtable_sepchain
$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./test/test_hashtable_sepchain
$ ./test/test_hashtable_linprob
$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./test/test_hashtable_linprob
$ ./test/test_hashtable_sepchain_more
$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./test/test_hashtable_sepchain_more
$ ./test/test_hashtable_linprob_more
$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./test/test_hashtable_linprob_more
- More exercises
$ cd more_exercises
$ ls
- Advanced Pointer (more exercises)
$ cd more_exercises
$ cd advanced_pointer
$ make
$ ./advanced_pointer
- Upo queue (more exercises)
$ cd more_exercises
$ cd upo_queue_t
$ make
$ ./upo_queue
- Binary search trees (more exercises)
$ cd more_exercises
$ cd upo_bst_t
$ make
$ ./upo_bst
- Sorting exercises (more exercises)
$ cd more_exercises
$ cd upo_sort_t
$ make
$ ./upo_sort