redux-better-promise plugin for redux-breeze
npm i redux-breeze-plugin-better-promise
import createBreeze from 'redux-breeze';
import reduxBetterPromisePlugin from 'redux-breeze-plugin-better-promise';
export const breezeInstance = createBreeze(actionsDefinitions, config, reduxBetterPromisePlugin);
Add action definition:
const actionsDefinitions = {
foo: {
bar: {
type: 'better-promise',
async: actionParam => Promise.resolve(actionParam)
baz: {
type: 'better-promise',
sync: actionParam => actionParam * 2,
Then you will see initial state that looks like this:
foo: {
pending: {
bar: false,
baz: false,
lastSucceeded: {
bar: false,
baz: false,
lastFailed: {
bar: false,
baz: false,
failed: {
bar: false,
baz: false,
succeeded: {
bar: false,
baz: false,
lastSucceeded: {
bar: false,
baz: false,
error: {
bar: null,
baz: null,
result: {
bar: null,
baz: null,
Use it:
import breezeInstance from 'breezeInstance';
handleClick = () => {;
state => ({
pending:, // boolean, if true action has started but has not been resolved or rejected yet
succeeded:, // boolean, if true action has succeeded at least once since last reload
failed:, // boolean, if true action has failed at least once since last reload
lastSucceeded:, // boolean, if true action suceeded last time
lastFailed:, // boolean, if true action failed last time
error:, // null|any, contains last error (reason of promise rejection or caught error) or null if action has never failed
result:, // null|any, contains last result or null if action has never succeeded
bar: breezeInstance.getAction('bar'),
In the example above, first param passed to the action when dispatching, will be available as the first parameter of the async
function:'someData'); // promise will be resolved with 'someData' value and that value will be available in ``
To provide more data you can use object:
this.props.myFancyAction({ foo, bar, baz });
You can define what happens to result or errors (data which Promise is resolved or rejected with) in action definition:
const actionsDefinitions = {
foo: {
bar: {
type: 'better-promise',
async: actionParam => IWillReturnPromise(actionParam),
result: {
pathInState: 'result.pathInAction',
fieldOne: 'result',
fieldTwo: 'result.someCustomField',
'fieldThree.subField': 'result.anotherFieldInResult',
error: {
differentPathInState: 'error.pathInError',
errorOne: 'error',
errorTwo: 'error.someCustomField',
'errorThree.subField': 'error.anotherFieldInError',
Then you will see initial state that looks like this:
foo: {
pending: {
bar: false,
lastSucceeded: {
bar: false,
lastFailed: {
bar: false,
failed: {
bar: false,
succeeded: {
bar: false,
lastSucceeded: {
bar: false,
pathInState: null,
fieldOne: null,
fieldTwo: null,
fieldThree: {
subfield: null,
differentPathInState: null,
errorOne: null,
errorTwo: null,
errorThree: {
subField: null,
and error
fields in action definitions works exactly the same.
const actionsDefinitions = {
foo: {
bar: {
type: 'better-promise',
async: actionParam => IWillReturnPromise(actionParam),
result: {
fieldOne: { source: 'result.somePathInAction', default: 'valueToBeSetIfNoneFoundInTheAction', initial: 'someInitialValue' },
fieldTwo: { source: (action, currentValue) => [...currentValue, action.result], initial: 'anotherInitialValue' },
Then you will see initial state that looks like this:
foo: {
pending: {
bar: false,
lastSucceeded: {
bar: false,
lastFailed: {
bar: false,
failed: {
bar: false,
succeeded: {
bar: false,
lastSucceeded: {
bar: false,
fieldOne: 'someInitialValue',
fieldTwo: 'anotherInitialValue',
const actionsDefinitions = {
foo: {
bar: {
type: 'better-promise',
async: actionParam => IWillReturnPromise(actionParam),
initial: {
'': 'initialPending',
'': [],
Then you will see initial state that looks like this:
foo: {
pending: {
bar: 'initialPending',
lastSucceeded: {
bar: false,
lastFailed: {
bar: false,
failed: {
bar: false,
succeeded: {
bar: false,
lastSucceeded: {
bar: false,
error: {
bar: null,
result: {
bar: [],
Adding custom hooks to action
You can use custom hooks on any action just by passing hooks
object as a second argument when dispatching the action. You don't have to change anything in action definition:
success: ({ result }) => console.log('fancy action succeeded', result)
There are at least 3 options:
- Add an issue, write test(s) for bug you found, write fix that will make your test(s) pass, submit pull request
- Add an issue, write test(s) for bug you found, submit pull request with you test(s)
- Add an issue