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Watching the video above and/or accessing the project online will help you understand the explanation!
This project is a simple CRUD that I developed to train the basic operations in GraphQL both in the Backend and in the Frontend, and following the Code First approach.
To clone and run this project on your computer you will need Git and Node.js v18.14.2 or higher and previously installed.
After that, in the terminal:
# Clone this repository with:
> git clone https://github.com/Luk4x/gql-users.git
# Enter the repository with:
> cd gql-users
# Install frontend dependencies with:
> cd frontend && npm install
# Run the frontend project with:
> npm run dev
# Open another terminal in the gql-users repository and install backend dependencies with:
> cd backend && npm install
# Run the backend project with:
> npm run dev
# Once this is done, you will be able to access the project (frontend) through the link that will appear in the terminal! (something like or http://localhost:5173/)
Vitrine.Dev πͺ