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The Currency Converter is a currency conversion web application inspired by the challenge DevClub Convert Money, and gave me a lot of learning.
Following the Mobile-First concept, I delved deeper into HTML, CSS and Javascript to obtain such a result, which, in terms of both layout and functionality, was very far from the original model.
Consuming the API of coins and getting the values in real time, it converts from R$-Real
to $-Dollar
, €-Euro
and ¥-Yen
- Use of CSS variables and manipulation of them via Javascript;
- API consumption via Javascript FetchAPI;
- Complete styling of the rigid HTML Select tag;
- Use of MediaQueries to develop responsiveness;
- Use of KeyFrames for more apparent and complex animations and CSS Transition for simpler ones;
- If the Dollar is below R$5.00, a Thanos meme will appear;
- Small mapping of the
key to perform the conversion; - Use of the
method to format numbers;
To clone and run this project on your computer, you just need Git to be previously installed.
After that, in the terminal:
# Clone this repository with:
> git clone https://github.com/Luk4x/devClub-convert-money.git
# Enter the repository with:
> cd devClub-convert-money
# Run the project with:
> start index.html # For Windows users
> open index.html # For Linux/Mac users
Vitrine.Dev 🪟
Lucas Maciel