This is a PowerShell script to automate client pentests / checkups - at least to a certain extend.
You can use it together with my PwnDoc vulns to further get rid of unneccessary work ->
If possible run as Admin, otherwise some checks might / will fail.
. .\Client-Checker.ps1
import-module .\Client-Checker.ps1
iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring("")
then just
You should run it as admin, as certain stuff can only be queried with elevated rights.
It is used to check a client for common misconfigurations. The list currently includes:
- Default Domain Password Policy
- LSA Protection Settings
- WDAC Usage
- AppLocker Usage
- Credential Guard Settings
- Co-installer Settings
- DMA Protection Settings
- BitLocker Settings
- Secure Boot Settings
- System PATH ACL checks
- Unquoted Service Path checks
- Always Install Elevated checks
- UAC checks
- Guest Account checks
- System Tool access as low priv user checks
- WSUS Settings
- PowerShell Settings
- IPv6 Settings
- NetBIOS / LLMNR Settings / mDNS
- SMB Server Settings
- Firewall Settings
- AV Settings
- Proxy Settings
- Windows Updates
- 3rd Party Installations
- RDP Settings
- WinRM Settings
- PrintNightmare checks
- Recall checks
- Autologon checks
You will have a detailed section which gets generated on the fly with a category, what the script found as well as links to resources for more detail, abuse paths and remmediations.
At the very end you will get a tabular overview that will help you to quickly get an overview of all checks done.