Originally made for the Quanta keyboard.
Make a keymap.json file manually, based on example_keymap.json.
"name": "Example Keymap",
"version": 1.0,
"author": "RMK",
"layers": 2,
"max_rows": 3,
"max_columns": 3,
"description": "Experimental. An example keymap for RMK firmware, 3x3 key matrix with two layers.",
"layer1": {
"row1": ["KEY_Q", "KEY_W", "KEY_E"],
"row2": ["KEY_A", "KEY_S", "KEY_D"],
"row3": ["KEY_null", "KEY_null", "KEY_null"]
"layer2": {
Or use RMK GUI Configurator (RGC) (WIP).
(Uses ?) KeyToKey (K2K) Rust keyboard library
- https://github.com/TyberiusPrime/KeyToKey
- https://github.com/Innectic/rmk
- https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal
- https://github.com/dlkj/usbd-human-interface-device
- https://github.com/TeXitoi/keyberon
- https://github.com/camrbuss/pinci
- https://github.com/ChrisChrisLoLo/keezyboost40/tree/master/firmware/keezus
Licensed under an MIT License