🧔 I'm Lucas Sandoval, from Buenos Aires, Argentinia 🇦🇷🧉. I'm a web developer mainly based on javascript technologies such as Next, React, Node, Mongo and MERN stack basically.
💻 I work with ArchLinux as my main operating system.
const Me = {
pronouns: 'He', 'Him',
code: ['Javascript', 'Typescript', 'Python', 'C#', 'HTML', 'CSS'],
askMeAbout: ['web development', 'finance', 'football', 'chess'],
technologies: {
css: ['Tailwind', 'Boostrap', 'Sass'],
javascript: ['Next', 'React', 'Node', 'Express'],
databases: ['MySQL', 'MongoDB', 'Mongoose'],
languages: ['Spanish', 'English'],
OS: 'ArchLinux'
Thanks for see my profile 🙂 feel free to see my work and collaborate with it if you want.