Very simple bare bones ogg file decoder
I am aware of different libraries that do the work of decoding files like ffmpeg, libvorbis and Tremor to name a few, I just wanted to see how decoding these files worked and if I was able to implemet a decoder for a few of them
I was bored so I reinvented the wheel
./bin/ogg_decode <filepath>
(If you are expecting to see output information about the decode process, most of the information will be dumped into a log file located in logs/info_log.txt
- File Mappings
(for the record I did not look into all of these
extensively so I don't know if each one is possible
implement from an open source standpoint)
- Kate
- Opus
- Skeleton
- Speex
- Theora
- Vorbis (currently being worked on)
- Writ