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LoveBootCaptain edited this page Jun 30, 2020 · 12 revisions

Welcome to WeatherPi_TFT

WeatherPi_TFT is a weather display for a raspberry pi and and nearly every display you could connect to your Pi.

written with love, pygame and python3.7

That actually means it supports HDMI, SPI, DPI, TFT, LCD or AOLED Displays as long as you can get your Pi's output through that display.

The latest stable Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) from May 2020 contains all necessary python packages preinstalled as long as you choose to burn your SD card or USB boot devices as long as you choose "Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) with desktop and recommended software" and not the stripped down or "lite" version. (maybe it works - but I never tested it with the lite image -> ToDo)

It was initially developed for adafruit's featherwing TFT ili9341 display.


WeatherPi_TFT now runs on every display size... from the smallest 128x128, 128x160, 240x320, 320x480, 480x640, 480x720, 480x800 (pimoroni hyperpixel4 or official Raspberry Pi 7" Touchscreen Display), 720x720 (pimoroni hyperpixel4 square) and above. WeatherPiTFT will always be shown in portrait mode but it also works on a landscape configured display (but still in 3x4 centred on your display). The images have a size of 1000x1000px so it should work even on HD monitors without lost of weather image quality.

comes with 2 themes (default and darcula styled)

WeatherPi_TFT WeatherPi_TFT

Working on @pimoroni HyperPixel4 Display and a Raspberry Pi 3 B+

Working on @HWHardsoft AZ-Touch-Pi0-Weather with ili9341 Display and a Raspberry Pi Zero W

so it all began


OLD Pics before AA


weather icons in 1000x1000px

thx @erikflowers for his awesome weather-icons

I colored them and put a little glitter on it :)

Weather Icons

icons for moonphases

moon phase rendering: credits to @miyaichi for his awesome fork

developed with PyCharm

i wrote this app on a mac with PyCharm and tested it quite a while. since it uses only standard python3 modules and libraries it should work on nearly everything that can run python3 and pygame.

PyCharm IDE by intelliJ jetbrains PyCharm IDE by intelliJ jetbrains