binary name: raytracer
language: C++
compilation: via Makefile (all
, clean
, fclean
, re
) or CMake
- The totality of your source files, except all useless files (binary, temp files, obj files,...), must be included in your delivery.
- All the bonus files (including a potential specific Makefile) should be in a directory named bonus.
- Error messages have to be written on the error output, and the program should then exit with the 84 error code (0 if there is no error).
Ray tracing is a technique used to generate realistic digital images by simulating the inverse path of light.
Your goal is to create a program able to generate an image from a file describing the scene.
View the GitHub WIKI for more information about the project.
∼/B-OOP-400> make
∼/B-OOP-400> ./raytracer --help
USAGE: ./raytracer <SCENE_FILE>
SCENE_FILE: scene configuration
Project members: