This is a special tool crafted to hack the duo infinitely. Happy hacking
Let's get started
In order to run this container you'll need docker installed.
Open up your terminal and start cloning
git clone
Start building the image
cd Duohacker
docker build -t duohacker .
Start a single container
docker run --name bot1 --restart always --memory=1500m -e CONTAINER_NAME=bot1 duohacker:latest
Start all containers
docker compose up
- Add your special token hereMAX_THREADS
- Maximum number of threads. Recommended value is 1 and Maximum value is 5RANGE_SET
- It's restarts each thread after specific number of loops. Default value is 50DB_REF
- Add your database reference here
- Selenium v4.8.3
- Selenium Wire v5.1.0
- Python Decouple v3.8
- Firebase Admin v6.1.0
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Logesh Krishna - Original work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.