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Application backend serving a REST API

How to install

virtualenv -p python3 --always-copy venv && source venv/bin/activate && ./ && python localizefriends/ migrate

How to run development server

source venv/bin/activate && python localizefriends/ runserver

After each git pull one should apply new migrations which could have been made:

python localizefriends/ migrate

HTTP statuses

  • 200 – operation successful
  • 400 – incorrect/insufficient parameters (see message and errors in returned)
  • 403 – authentication error or was action forbidden (see message; probably wrong/expired token)
  • 500 – exception

Supported API calls

POST /api/location

Save current location of user behind fbtoken.


  • fbtoken – FB API access token
  • lng – longitude in format (-)DDD.MMMMMMM
  • lat – latitude in format (-)DD.MMMMMMM


  • message is present when success is false.
  • errors is present when there were some input validation errors.
   "success": true|false,
   "message": "Message string.",
   "errors": { "field_name": ["Error message"] }

GET /api/friends_locations

Get latest locations (if available) of all friends (who also use the app) of user behind fbtoken.


  • fbtoken – FB API access token


  • data is present when success is true.
  • message is present when success is false.
  • errors is present when there were some input validation errors.
    "success": true|false,
    "data": [ { "name": "Contact Name", "id": fb user id, "location": null | {
        "timestamp_ms": milliseconds from epoch (UTC),
        "longitude": "DDD.MMMMMMM",
        "latitude": "DD.MMMMMMM"
    "message": "Message string.",
    "errors": { "field_name": ["Error message"] }

GET /api/friends_within_range

Get list of all friends (who also use the app) of user behind fbtoken who's distance from specified point is lower than range.


  • fbtoken – FB API access token
  • lng – longitude of range center in format (-)DDD.MMMMMMM
  • lat – latitude of range center in format (-)DD.MMMMMMM
  • radius – range radius in metres (integer)


  • data is present when success is true.
  • message is present when success is false.
  • errors is present when there were some input validation errors.
    "success": true|false,
    "data": [ {
        "name": "Contact Name",
        "id": fb user id,
        "distance": metres from specified point
        "location": {
            "timestamp_ms": milliseconds from epoch (UTC),
            "longitude": "DDD.MMMMMMM",
            "latitude": "DD.MMMMMMM"
    "message": "Message string.",
    "errors": { "field_name": ["Error message"] }

POST /api/meetup_proposal

Create new meetup proposal with user behind fbtoken as organizer.


  • fbtoken – FB API access token
  • name – name of the meetup
  • timestamp_ms – UTC timestamp in milliseconds representing beginning of a meetup
  • place_name – name of the meeting place
  • lng – longitude in format (-)DDD.MMMMMMM
  • lat – latitude in format (-)DD.MMMMMMM
  • invite – comma separated list of Facebook user ids of friends to invite (who also use the app)


  • message is present when success is false.
  • errors is present when there were some input validation errors.
    "success": true|false,
    "message": "Message string.",
    "errors": { "field_name": ["Error message"] }

GET /api/meetup_proposal/{meetup_id}

Get meetup proposal with meetup_id if user behind fbtoken is an organizer or invitee.


  • fbtoken – FB API access token


  • data is present when success is true.
  • message is present when success is false.
  • errors is present when there were some input validation errors.
    "success": true|false,
    "data": {
        "id": meetup proposal's id
        "organizer_id": fb user id,
        "creation_timestamp_ms": milliseconds from epoch (UTC),
        "name": "name of the meetup",
        "start_timestamp_ms": milliseconds from epoch (UTC),
        "place_name": "name of the meeting place",
        "longitude": "DDD.MMMMMMM",
        "latitude": "DD.MMMMMMM"
        "cancelled": true|false,
        "invitees": [
                "id": fb user id,
                "accepted": true|false
    "message": "Message string.",
    "errors": { "field_name": ["Error message"] }

GET /api/meetup_proposals

Get list of meetup proposals with user behind fbtoken as an organizer or invitee.


  • fbtoken – FB API access token


  • data is present when success is true.
  • message is present when success is false.
  • errors is present when there were some input validation errors.
    "success": true|false,
    "data": [
            "id": meetup proposals's id
            "organizer_id": fb user id,
            "creation_timestamp_ms": milliseconds from epoch (UTC),
            "name": "name of the meetup",
            "start_timestamp_ms": milliseconds from epoch (UTC),
            "place_name": "name of the meeting place",
            "longitude": "DDD.MMMMMMM",
            "latitude": "DD.MMMMMMM"
            "cancelled": true|false,
            "invitees": [
                    "id": fb user id,
                    "accepted": true|false
    "message": "Message string.",
    "errors": { "field_name": ["Error message"] }

POST /api/meetup_proposal/{meetup_id}/accept

Change acceptation flag for meetup with meetup_id to which user behind fbtoken was invited.


  • fbtoken – FB API access token
  • value – 0 (invitation not accepted) or 1 (invitation accepted)


  • message is present when success is false.
  • errors is present when there were some input validation errors.
    "success": true|false,
    "message": "Message string.",
    "errors": { "field_name": ["Error message"] }

POST /api/meetup_proposal/{meetup_id}/cancel

Change cancellation flag of the meetup organized by the user behind fbtoken.


  • fbtoken – FB API access token
  • value – 0 (not cancelled) or 1 (cancelled)


  • message is present when success is false.
  • errors is present when there were some input validation errors.
    "success": true|false,
    "message": "Message string.",
    "errors": { "field_name": ["Error message"] }

POST /api/cloud_messaging_address

Save new FCM address of the user app to send notifications to.


  • fbtoken – FB API access token of the app user
  • address – FCM address
  • expiration_time_ms – UTC timestamp in milliseconds representing the expiration time of the address


  • message is present when success is false.
  • errors is present when there were some input validation errors.
    "success": true|false,
    "message": "Message string.",
    "errors": { "field_name": ["Error message"] }

FCM messages

In order for FCM messages to work, esb should be running at address specified in and message_queue should be running on the same server.

Messages are sent the following way:

    "to": FCM address,
    "data": actual message as listed below

Invitation received

Sent to each user which was invited to a meetup.

    "type": "meetup_proposal_invitation_received",
    "meetup_id": meetup_id,
    "organizer_id": organizer_id

Invitation status change

Sent to organizer and each user invited to a meetup for which invitation status of any user changed.

    "type": "meetup_proposal_invitation_change",
    "meetup_id": meetup_id,
    "user_id": user who changed status,
    "new_status": true|false

Meetup proposal cancelation status change

Sent to each user invited to a meetup which changed.

    'type': 'meetup_proposal_cancel_change',
    'meetup_id': meetup_id,
    "new_status": true|false