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Editorial is a Headless CMS that helps non-programmers edit website content, upload static files and publish contents to production.

Some example sites built with Editorial:


Currently we don't accept PRs from external collaborators.

Developing a website/application with Editorial


It is highly recommended that you become fluent with React before trying to use Editorial.

The first sites built with Editorial also use the Next.js framework, but Editorial is in principle compatible with other frameworks. We highly recommend using Next.js to start with, so that you can follow the existing examples. Try building a trivial site with Next.js before using Editorial. This small guide assumes the Editorial/Next.js/React combination.

First steps

  • Think about what authors (non-programmers, such as translators, project managers, communication managers, etc.) will want to contribute to the site, e.g. events, publications, posts, pages... It will heavily depend on the type of site.

  • With that information, you can start writing the site's schema. Specify in data/schema.yaml the types of content items you will have and the fields/attributes for each one of them. Editorial will help authors edit the data in data/data.json following the schema you define.

  • Finally, we address component design. Editorial CMS allows a bidirectional relationship between React components and user contents:

    • React components can embed a Markdown component whenever they want to render user contents with formatting.
    • Markdown contents can embed React components (indirectly) using code blocks. All component props can be written by the user in YAML.
  • You can also try adding contents using Editorial, the way your authors will do it. Run yarn editorial inside your project folder and navigate in your browser to e.g. localhost:3000/editorial.

Web site directory structure

Editorial-based web sites have the following structure:

  • /package.json, including the @isardsat/editorial dependency.

  • /data, containing:

    • schema.yaml, defining types of variable data. In the following example, two types are defined (page and company), one of which will generate dynamic pages (page):

        displayName: Pages
            type: markdown
            displayName: Page title
            placeholder: 'Meet our **team**'
            showInSummary: true  # show field in the list
            type: markdown
            displayName: Layout
            placeholder: 'Use blocks like Home, Contents, Contact...'
            height: 300
            type: markdown
            displayName: Contents
            height: 300
            type: markdown
            displayName: Sidebar contents (e.g. with highlighted images and videos)
            height: 300
        displayName: Companies
        allowManualSorting: true  # allows drag'n'drop in the list
            type: boolean
            displayName: Featured (in Home page)
            showInSummary: true
            labelLevel: 2
            type: boolean
            displayName: Hidden
            showInSummary: true
            type: string
            displayName: Full name
            placeholder: Finnish Meteorological Institute
            showInSummary: true
            type: string
            displayName: Acronym
            placeholder: FMI
            dontTranslate: true  # don't include in locale list
            showInSummary: true
            type: boolean
            displayName: Client
            showInSummary: true
            type: boolean
            displayName: Data provider
            showInSummary: true
            labelLevel: 2
            type: boolean
            displayName: Platform provider
            showInSummary: true
            type: string
            displayName: Logo image filename
            placeholder: 'fmi.png'
            dontTranslate: true
            showInSummary: true
            type: number
            displayName: Logo resize factor (blank for 1)
            placeholder: '1.2'
            showInSummary: true

      Note: images (and other static files) are not included as metadata. Any number of images can be uploaded via Editorial, with a mandatory name, and can be referenced from Markdown. This allows a page to have an arbitrary number of images.

    • data.json, a single file containing all data managed by Editorial. Storing data in raw format allows Editorial to create, read, update and delete contents easily. It also makes it easier to manage under version control tools (e.g. git). Example contents (ids are chosen by the author):

        "page": {
          "home": {
            "id": "home",
            "title": "Home",
            "layout": "```Home\ntagline: \"**Observing the Earth** to anticipate the effects of a changing climate.\"\nprovidersTitle: Working with the leading data providers\nmarketsTitle: We work with organisations across the globe affected by our changing climate\n```\n\n```Contact\n```",
            "content": ""
          "about": {
            "id": "about",
            "title": "Expert services to face climate change using Earth Observation data",
            "layout": "```Contents\nsidebar: true\n```\n\n```TeamMembers\ntitle: Our team\n```\n\n```Contact\nquestion: Would you like to work with us?\nbutton: get in touch\n```",
            "content": "",
            "contents": "Identify the indicators of environmental impact that are appropriate for your case and carry out the necessary studies, both at the level of monitoring and forecasting and planning, based on the use of satellite Earth Observation information, largely based on highly specific raw data, public and free acquired by European satellites under the Copernicus program.\n\nLobelia is a spin-off of isardSAT, a lead company providing services and solutions in the Earth Observation field.",
            "sidebarContents": "![](c.jpg)"
        "company": {
          "oxfam": {
            "id": "acme",
            "name": "Acme",
            "acronym": "Acme",
            "isClient": true,
            "isFeatured": true,
            "logoImage": "logo-acme-white.png",
            "rank": 20

      Note: Translation tool Mady will not detect contents in data.json automatically; a special script injects this contents into Mady (see getExtraMessages.js below).

  • /locales, managed by Mady. Special attention:

    • config.json includes important information for page generation such as langs and originalLang.

    • getExtraMessages.js (optional) exports a single function, which returns the messages that are not detected by Mady but which should be included in its message database. You usually don't need to modify this file. Each message may be flagged as isMarkdown (so that it's not processed as MessageFormat) and given a scope (so that it's not included in the generic locale module for a given language and is only used for the generation of translated datapackages).

  • /pages. Includes:

    • Manual pages (e.g. index.js, about.js)

    • Base components for dynamic pages (e.g. page.js, project.js) -- one for each variable data type defined in schema.yaml which will generate pages. In our example, page and project. Note these are not templates (they require no processing whatsoever).

    • _document.js, _app.js, _error.js, if any (see Next.js docs).

  • /static, static files used by the page, both included manually (e.g. favicon images and the /img directory) as well as uploaded through Editorial, e.g. a company logo image, stored in /static/files.

  • /next.config.js, Next.js config file, includes a dynamically generated exportPathMap based on the available languages and the pages under /pages.

  • /components, supplementary components needed to build a page: header, footer, etc.

    Pages are constructed using the react components in the /components directory but, in particular, the Markdown component allows the specification by the user of special components embedded within the markdown text by means of:

    • the code block markdown feature

    • the renderers option of the react-markdown component

    For instance, a Home component can be specified by the user within the markdown text as:

    tagline: "**Observing the Earth** to anticipate the effects of a changing climate."
    providersTitle: Working with the leading data providers
    marketsTitle: We work with organisations across the globe affected by our changing climate

Schema documentation

Each item type can have:

  • displayName
  • description (in Markdown)
  • allowManualSorting
  • fields (object)

Each field can have:

  • General:
    • type: markdown | string | boolean | date | number | select | color
    • displayName
    • displayExtra (instructions, etc.)
    • dontTranslate (not necessary for fields of type boolean | date | numbercolor)
    • placeholder
    • height (for markdown fields, mainly)
    • allowCustomBlocks: true | Array<string> (array of allowed blocks)
    • inlineSelect (for select)
    • choicesFixed: Array<string>
    • choicesPreviousValues (boolean)
    • isMultiple (comma-separated list)
    • isRequired
    • isExternalUrl (adds a button to go to that URL)
    • isUploadedFile (adds a menu to choose one of the uploaded files)
  • How field appears in summary:
    • showInSummary
    • labelLevel


Simple CMS for static websites







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