for the full functionality of NeoVim, you need to run it on the Debian distribution or Ubuntu
apt install proot-distro
proot-distro install debian
proot-distro login debian
proot-distro install ubuntu
proot-distro login ubuntu
After updating the packages, install git.
apt install git
cd $HOME
git clone
bash $HOME/setting-nvim/
after these steps, the installation will begin NeoVim. Upon completion of the installation, launch NeoVim.
Need to install plugins.
#Click Esc
#In enter the command
#close NeoVim when installation is complete.
after that, to fix all errors, you need to run the second script
bash $HOME/setting-nvim/
To install language models, launch NeoVim and enter the command.
#Click Esc
:CocInstall coc-<lang>
:CocInstall coc-python
:CocInstall coc-java
After these steps, the installation of a fully functional IDE is complete, enjoy your use.