This is a MXNet implementation of the ESync algorithm described in the paper "ESync: An Efficient Synchronous Parallel Algorithm for Distributed ML in Heterogeneous Clusters".
ESync is an efficient synchronous parallel algorithm designed for distributed machine learning tasks in heterogeneous clusters (the clusters may consist of computing devices with different computing capabilities, e.g. CPU, GPU, TPU, FPGA), which:
- takes both the accuracy of SSGD and training speed of ASGD;
- takes full advantage of the computing capabilities of the heterogeneous clusters with lowest traffic load.
- allows the aggregation operations to be performed in a synchronous manner in heterogeneous clusters, and provides users with flexibility in selecting different collective communication algorithms according to the characteristics of tasks and network (e.g. Parameter Server, Ring Allreduce, Butterfly, Binary Blocks).
- python == 3.6
- mxnet == 1.4.0
- numpy == 1.16.2
- argparse == 1.4.0
- matplotlib == 3.0.3
- django == 2.1.7
Note: MXNet should be compiled with the build flag USE_DIST_KVSTORE=1 to support distributed training. See Distributed Training in MXNet for more details.
Parameter Name | Flag | Type | Default Value | Description |
learning_rate | -l | float | 0.001 | Set learning_rate when mode is sync, async or local. This parameter is used in SSGD, ASGD, and DC-ASGD to scale the gradient. |
local_lr | -ll | float | 0.001 | Set local_lr when mode is esync. This parameter is only used in ESync to scale the gradient. |
global_lr | -gl | float | 1.0 | Set global_lr when mode is esync. This parameter is only used in ESync to scale the global learning rate, which can be simply set to 1.0. |
batch_size | -b | int | 64 | The number of samples processed in an iteration on each device. |
data_dir | -dd | string | /home/lizh/ESync/data | Path to the data files. Include a folder named fashion-mnist, which contains t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz, t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz, train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz, train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz. The Fashion-MNIST dataset is available on Github. |
gpu | -g | int | 0 | The ID of GPU used for training. We default to using only one GPU for each process in the current version, i.e. only one integer is allowed. |
cpu | -c | int | 0 | Default to training on GPU 0 (set by the option gpu), set cpu to 1 to support training on CPU. |
network | -n | string | resnet18-v1 | The network used to evaluate the performance of ESync, SSGD, ASGD and DC-ASGD. We support [alexnet, resnet18-v1, resnet50-v1, resnet50-v2, mobilenet-v1, mobilenet-v2, inception-v3] in the current version. |
log_dir | -ld | string | /home/lizh/ESync/logs | Path to save the logs. The folder named logs will be created automatically at the specified path, and it will be emptied during initialization. The Measure module will create subfolders "{device_name}{device_id}" and save log files "iter-{iter_num}.txt" in these subfolders. |
eval_duration | -e | int | 1 | Interval for model evaluation, default to evaluating the model in each communication round. We recommend evaluating the model on devices with strong computing capability. |
mode | -m | string | esync | Support [esync, sync, async, local]. Set mode to local to train the model on single device. |
use_dcasgd | -dcasgd | int | 0 | Set use_dcasgd to 1 to enable DC-ASGD optimizer when mode is async. |
split_by_class | -s | int | 0 | Default to allocating datasets using the uniform random sampling. Set split_by_class to 1 to allocate specific classes of samples to each device, for example, allocate samples with labels 0~4 to device 0 and samples with labels 5~9 to device 1. |
state_server_ip | -ip | string | | The IP of State Server. |
state_server_port | -port | string | 10010 | The port of State Server. |
Note: The default values can be modified through
Note: DO NOT run multiple processes that use the same device on each server, otherwise the log files will be overwritten.
python -m local -g 0 -n resnet18-v1 -l 0.001 -b 64 -e 1000
In the above command, we train the resnet18-v1 model on a single device (GPU 0) using learning rate 0.001 and batch size 64 and evaluate the model every 1000 iterations. This mode only prints test accuracy on the terminal without recording log files.
Suppose we have two servers, cloud1 (IP: and cloud3 (IP:, and each with two GPUs. We take GPU 0, GPU 1 and CPU of these servers as separate workers, and obtain a small-scale heterogeneous cluster with 6 workers. In addition, we take an extra server cloud2 (IP: to take the role of Parameter Server, Scheduler and State Server.
Step 1: Start the State Server
Note: This step can be ignored if mode is not esync.
The state server is used in ESync algorithm to assign the number of local iterations for each device automatically. The main idea is that, when the slowest device completes computations, other devices have completed local iterations as many times as possible.
Run the following commands on cloud2 to start the state server:
> cd /path/to/ESync/SimpleStateServer
> nohup python runserver > /dev/null &
The state server will listen on port 10010 in the background to wait for the queries from workers.
Step 2: Start the Schduler
Run the following commands on cloud2 (IP: to start the scheduler:
nohup python > scheduler.log &
We start the scheduler on cloud2 and listen on port 9091 to wait for the messages (e.g. register, heartbeat) from workers. We specify the scheduler to use CPU to avoid errors that no GPU resources available, and specify mode to esync to run ESync algorithm.
Note: Set mode to sync or async to run SSGD or ASGD. If mode is async, you can set use_dcasgd to 1 to enable DC-ASGD.
Note: Use -ll to specify the local learning rate in ESync, and use -l to specify the learning rate in SSGD, ASGD and DC-ASGD.
Note: Specify the network interface manually through DMLC_INTERFACE if multiple network interfaces exist on the server, otherwise, we may fail to access other servers.
Note: Set PS_VERBOSE to 1, and check the log of PS-LITE to troubleshoot errors.
Step 3: Start the Server
Run the following commands on cloud2 (IP: to start the parameter server:
nohup python > server.log &
The parameter server will create a TCP connection to the scheduler and complete registration automatically by specifying DMLC_PS_ROOT_URI and DMLC_PS_ROOT_PORT (the same as workers). The aggregation operations will be performed on GPU if cpu is set to False.
Step 4: Start the Workers
Run the following commands on cloud1 (IP: and cloud3 (IP: to start the workers:
nohup python -m esync -g 0 -n resnet18-v1 -ll 0.001 -b 64 -dcasgd 0 -s 0 > worker_gpu_0.log &
nohup python -m esync -g 1 -n resnet18-v1 -ll 0.001 -b 64 -dcasgd 0 -s 0 > worker_gpu_1.log &
nohup python -m esync -c 1 -n resnet18-v1 -ll 0.001 -b 64 -dcasgd 0 -s 0 > worker_cpu.log &
We start workers on GPU 0, GPU 1 and CPU respectively on both cloud1 and cloud3, and obtain a small-scale heterogeneous cluster with 6 workers, 1 parameter server, 1 scheduler and 1 state server (optional). In the example above, we run a distributed machine learning task to train the ResNet18-v1 model based on ESync algorithm, and the evaluation operations will be performed on device with rank 0.
To visualize the log data, we should collect the log files on cloud1 and cloud3 manually. Take the ResNet18-v1 model and ESync algorithm as an example, we create a new folder named resnet18-v1 with a subfolder named esync, and rename the log folders as their host names, the structure is as follows:
|── esync
|── cloud1
|── cpu
|── gpu0
|── gpu1
|── cloud3
|── cpu
|── gpu0
|── gpu1
Pre-trained log files are available at lfs/
, which contains the logs generated by several classic models (AlexNet, Inception-v3, MobileNet-v1, ResNet18-v1, ResNet50-v1, ResNet50-v2) and five training modes (ESync, SSGD, ASGD, DC-ASGD, Sequential SGD). In addition, we also provide the test accuracy curve of ESync and Sync in the results folders.
In this section, we summarize the large number of iter-x.txt files into a JSON file, which includes statistical data on each device and is used for visualizing the logs.
Run the following commands to summarize the logs:
> python -b /path/to/logs -n resnet18-v1 -m esync
The script
will read files from /path/to/logs/resnet18-v1/esync and generate a JSON file named ESync.json there.
Run the following commands to visualize the logs of resnet18-v1:
> python -b /path/to/logs -n resnet18-v1
The script
will read data from:
- /path/to/logs/resnet18-v1/esync/ESync.json
- /path/to/logs/resnet18-v1/sync/Sync.json
- /path/to/logs/resnet18-v1/async/Async.json (optional)
- /path/to/logs/resnet18-v1/dcasgd/DCASGD.json (optional)
- /path/to/logs/resnet18-v1/esync-niid/ESync-Non-IID.json (optional)
- /path/to/logs/resnet18-v1/sync-niid/Sync-Non-IID.json (optional)
- /path/to/logs/resnet18-v1/async-niid/Async-Non-IID.json (optional)
- /path/to/logs/resnet18-v1/dcasgd-niid/DCASGD-Non-IID.json (optional)
and draw the following figures:
1. Test Accuracy Curve of ESync, SSGD, ASGD, DC-ASGD on i.i.d. Fashion-MNIST dataset;
2. Test Accuracy Curve of ESync, SSGD, ASGD, DC-ASGD on non-i.i.d. Fashion-MNIST dataset;
3. Data Throughput of ESync, SSGD, ASGD, DC-ASGD;
4. Traffic Load of ESync, SSGD, ASGD, DC-ASGD;
5. Computing Time Ratio of ESync, SSGD, ASGD, DC-ASGD.
Note: The dotted lines in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 draw the test accuracy when training on a single device. The test accuracy of standalone training is available in the file standalone.txt and should be specified at lines 202 and 215 in the file
Note: Since only device with rank 0 records the values of test accuracy, we need to ensure that the variable config in the file
at lines 201 and 214 specifies the correct devices. We list the config for each model in our experiments as follows:
- AlexNet:
("cloud3", "gpu1"), ("cloud3", "gpu1"), (null, null), (null, null)
; - Inception-v3:
("cloud3", "gpu0"), ("cloud3", "gpu0"), (null, null), (null, null)
; - MobileNet-v1:
("cloud3", "gpu1"), ("cloud3", "gpu0"), (null, null), (null, null)
; - ResNet18-v1:
("cloud3", "gpu0"), ("cloud3", "gpu1"), ("cloud3", "gpu0"), ("cloud3", "gpu1")
; - ResNet50-v1:
("cloud3", "gpu0"), ("cloud3", "gpu1"), (null, null), (null, null)
; - ResNet50-v2:
("cloud3", "gpu0"), ("cloud3", "gpu1"), (null, null), (null, null)
Test Accuracy on AlexNet Test Accuracy on Inception-v3
Test Accuracy on ResNet50-v1 Test Accuracy on ResNet50-v2
Test Accuracy on MobileNet-v1
We define the speedup as the time ratio to achieve test accuracy 0.8, and compare the speedup of ESync to Sync and the test accuracy with the standalone training on several classic models. The results show that ESync can greatly accelerate the training process and finally achieve the same (sometimes higher) accuracy as sequential SGD.