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LiveIntent Privacy API Command-line Client and Example


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Installing python and pip

The li-privacy tool requires python. Having python and pip setup properly is probably the trickiest part of this whole setup. (Why, oh why, is python so difficult to properly setup?)

To verify that you have python and pip installed correctly, you should be able to run the following command from a Terminal/Command Prompt:

$ python --version
$ pip --version

TIP: If you get an error that python or pip do not exist, consider trying:

$ python3 --version  # instead of python
$ pip3 --version     # instead of pip

Still no luck? Then go download and install the latest version of python/pip for your operating system from

TIP: During the installation, if there is an option to add python to your path, please be sure to select that option!

Installing the li-privacy tool

Run the following command to automatically download and install the li-privacy client:

$ pip install li-privacy
  [ Installation takes place... lots of ... stuff ]
Successfully installed li-privacy

TIP: Depending upon your python installation and user permissions, you may receive an error that some files or directories cannot be written. This is a common problem with python setups. If this happens you have a few options. One is to try re-running the command-prompt as an administrator or using sudo if you are on Mac/Linux. Another option is to try installing the package in "user" mode:

$ pip install --user li-privacy

To verify that the li-privacy tool has been properly installed, run:

$ li-privacy --version
  li-privacy v.1.2.2

ERROR: If you receive an error that li-privacy does not exist, then your python/pip installation is not setup to place installed modules in your executable PATH.

Configuring your account and generating keys

The li-privacy init command will begin the set up of your account. The program will prompt you for your company's domain name (i.e., a key-identifier, and the path to your RSSA signing key (if you want to use an existing one).

TIP: If you do not already have an RSA signing key (which is usually the case), you may press <ENTER> for the key-identifier and Private RSA signing key prompts and a new key will be automatically generated for you.

To set up your account, run the li-privacy init command. (NOTE: user provided inputs are indicated by **):

$ li-privacy init
Creating new config: config.json

Your domain name: ****
Key Identifier: (key1) **<ENTER>**
Private RSA signing key file: ( **<ENTER>**

Generated new keys in and
Configuration written to config.json

To provision your keys, please email the following files to

The initialization process generates the following files:

Filename Description
config.json Contains the settings for your account. Send to LiveIntent.
{domain_name} Your public RSA Key. Send to LiveIntent.
{domain_name}.key Your private RSA Key. DO NOT SEND outside your company.

Once you have completed this process, email the two files to Once your account has been setup, you will be notified and ready to submit transactions.

WARNING: Be careful to submit the correct files, as the public and private key filenames are very similar.

Using the example account

While you wait for your own account to be provisioned, you can utilize the example credentials provided in the API guide to submit practice requests to the staging system. As a convenience, the li-privacy tool will generate these for you.

Re-run the init command and when prompted for the domain name, enter "".

$ li-privacy init
Using existing config: config.json

Your domain name: ****

Generating example key and configuration
Saved example keys in and

Configuration written to dailyplanet.json

To make use these example keys, simply add --config dailyplanet.config when running your command.

The daily planet configuration and keys are now available via the "dailyplanet.json" file. Pass the --config dailyplanet.json flag to use this account,.

$ li-privacy optout --config dailyplanet.json
{"reference":"01DZ1W5VCT6F0M1V345F8G07GY", "read":3, "imported":3}

Using the li-privacy tool to optout or delete users

The following commands will only work after LiveIntent has provisioned your public key. While you wait for your keys to be established, you may use the example account for practice.

Opt out a single user

To opt out a single user, call the optout command and provide a hash or an email address.

Opt out by hash example:

$ li-privacy optout cd2bfcffe5fee4a1149d101994d0987f
{"reference":"01DZ1TWYBXQ37M0N8VPAKM1RFB", "read":1, "imported":1}

If the command is successful, it will show a reference number and the number of records that were processed.

NOTE: If an email address is specified, the address will automatically be hashed as MD5, SHA1, and SHA256 before submitting (thus the result shows 3 records):

Opt out by email example:

$ li-privacy optout
{"reference":"01DZ1KBHPKBRJG1D1DT8HP0ZBQ", "read":3, "imported":3}

Opting out a list of users

If you have multiple users to opt out, you can specify the path to a text file containing the list of users. Each line in the file will be processed as a separate request and a report will be generated. The file should contain one email address or one hash per line, with no other columns or data.

Opt out multiple users example:

$ li-privacy optout path/to/users.txt
Processing users from file path/to/users.txt
Report saved to path/to/users.txt.20200101120000.tsv

Deleting users

delete commands use the same parameters as optout commands, but the command name is delete.

$ li-privacy delete cd2bfcffe5fee4a1149d101994d0987f
{"reference":"01DZ1TWYBXQ37M0N8VPAKM1RFB", "read":1, "imported":1}


LiveIntent Privacy API Command-line Client and Example








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