- Chufeng Li(Proposer) chufengl@asu.edu
- Xuanxuan Li(Developer) lxx2011011580@gmail.com
- Richard Kirian rkirian@asu.edu
- Nadia Zatsepin Nadia.Zatsepin@asu.edu
- John Spence spence@asu.edu
- Haiguang Liu hgliu@csrc.ac.cn
First, install some necessary tools. For CentOS users, just use the following command,
sudo yum install -y git wget bzip2
Then download SPIND package,
git clone https://github.com/LiuLab-CSRC/indexing.git
To integrate SPIND into CrystFEL, we add SPIND module to CrystFEL-0.6.2. See detailed installation instructions here.
SPIND is implemented using Python, you do not have to do standard configure
, make
, make install
, just install necessary dependencies.
SPIND package has the following dependencies,
- numpy
- scipy
- h5py
- mpi4py
- yaml
- tqdm
To make life easier, anaconda is highly recommended for Python-related library management.
Download anaconda
for Python2.7 by
wget https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda2-5.0.1-Linux-x86_64.sh
Install anaconda,
bash Anaconda2-5.0.1-Linux-x86_64.sh
Accept the license then wait minutes for installation.
After the installation, make the installer prepend anaconda location to PATH
in your .bashrc
Then source ~/.bashrc
Finally, install SPIND dependencies using
conda install mpi4py yaml docopt tqdm
Installation is done! Congratulations!
Visit https://liulab-csrc.github.io/SPIND/ for usage manual.
- resolution shell
- SFX tutorial
- integrate SPIND in official CrystFEL
- multi-crystal diffraction tutorial
title={SPIND: a reference-based auto-indexing algorithm for sparse serial crystallography data},
author={Li, Chufeng and Li, Xuanxuan and Kirian, Richard and Spence, John CH and Liu, Haiguang and Zatsepin, Nadia A},
publisher={International Union of Crystallography}