- Create a new env with python 3.9.18 and MKL 2023.2.0:
conda create -n pytorch2 python=3.9.18 mkl=2023.2.0
- Install Pytorch 2.0.1 with CUDA 11.7:
conda install pytorch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
- Install DGL with CUDA 11.7:
conda install dgl=1.1.2 -c dglteam/label/cu117
- Install PyG with CUDA 11.7:
conda install pyg=2.5.0 -c pyg
# additional packages
pip install pyg_lib torch_scatter torch_sparse torch_cluster torch_spline_conv -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-2.0.0+cu117.html
Install liburing.
Build and install (from the root directory of this repo):
# build
mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make -j8
# install
cd ../python; python setup.py install
illustrate one dataset and graph model using graphsage and papers100M
- cd in the example pth
cd example
- Prepare dataset
python prepare_dataset.py --dataset=ogbn-products
- Offline sampling
sudo env PATH=$PATH python sampling.py --dataset ogbn-papers100M --fanout "10,15,20" --store-path /nvme2n1/offgs_dataset --ratio 1.0
- Cold feature packing/ data layout preprocessing
sudo env PATH=$PATH python feat_packing.py --dataset ogbn-papers100M --fanout "10,15,20" --feat-cache-size 5e9 --store-path /nvme2n1/offgs_dataset --ratio 1.0 --blowup -1
- Online training efficiency test
sudo env PATH=$PATH python train_multi_thread.py --dataset ogbn-papers100M --fanout "10,15,20" --hidden 256 --dropout 0.2 --model SAGE --gpu-cache-size 2e9 --cpu-cache-size 3e9 --dir /nvme2n1/offgs_dataset --ratio 1.0 --blowup -1
- Online training accuracy test
sudo env PATH=$PATH python train_multi_thread.py --dataset ogbn-papers100M --fanout "10,15,20" --hidden 256 --dropout 0.2 --model SAGE --gpu-cache-size 2e9 --cpu-cache-size 3e9 --dir /nvme2n1/offgs_dataset --ratio 1.0 --blowup -1 --device 1 --num-epoch 50 --debug
the full experiment script is in examples/run.sh
sample and dataset prepare these previous steps are the same
you should select a dataset and then do the following compare
- Cold feature packing using batched packing
python /home/ubuntu/OfflineSampling/examples/feat_map_reduce_packing.py
- Cold feature packing using individual packing
python /home/ubuntu/OfflineSampling/examples/feat_packing.py
- Online training to demonstrate the batched packing does not bring overhead to online training
python /home/ubuntu/OfflineSampling/examples/train_single_mapreduce.py
bash run_blowup.sh
install following the marius github
take one dataset for example
python marius_preprocess_mag.py
marius_train datasets/my_mag240m_8192/marius_gs_acc.yaml
you can change the config in the .yaml file