An attempt for an isomorphic appliction using RiotJS 2. Includes:
- ES6 code base using Babel transpiler and Browserify. With ES7 async/await (SystemJS example available in the 'systemjs' branch)
- Shared routing code between client and server using Page.js and Page.JS-Express-Mapper.
- Riot rendering on the server side using riot.render() and a custom template engine.
- Server services powered by Feathers.js with Realtime WebSocket communication using Primus.
- User authentication using Passport.js
- NEW: Flux architecture with custom dispatcher/store classes, that can be instatinated per server request. Inspired by RiotControl and dispatchr
- waitBeforeRendering - waits for events to occur before rendering the main tag
- ES6 riot tag files without using the *.tag extension.
- Support for Autoprefixer - Gulp tasks extract css from javascript tags, concatinate them and run postprocessing.
- Gulp based tasks for running the node app using [gulp-live-server].
Note: The demo services have an intentional 1sec delay before responding, to illustrate the waitBeforeRendering
npm install -g gulp
npm install
Then browse to http://localhost:3000