This is a Single Page application used for liquid church's night to shine event. It consist of a barcode scanner to help lookup guest information in an easy to use webapp.
These instructions will tell you how to deploy the project base to your IDE.
For development, this application requires an IDE with the following development tools already installed and working.
- Node.js (v12.14)
- NPM (v6.13)
- GoLang (v1.11)
- Angular (v8.3)
- Google Cloud SDK
- Google Cloud App Engine for Go
- Google Cloud Datastore Emulator
Clone the Starter Base into your project directory. Make sure your current directory is your project directory and it's empty.
$ git clone ./
Install dependent packages through NPM Postinstall script.
$ npm run postinstall
Build the webapp through npm build script.
$ npm run build
Start GAE development server
$ npm start
To deploy the SPA to Google Cloud, first you have to create a Project and enable Google App Engine. This SPA is in Go lanaguage based on a Standard runtime. Once the Project and App Engine enabled, deploying the application is pretty easy
To start gcloud configuration, run
$ gcloud init
This will take you through an OAuth2 authentication process to get the Google Cloud account linked to the IDE. Once gcloud initilization is complete, you should be able to deploy to google cloud by running
$ npm deploy
which runs gcloud app deploy.
- Angular - Web application framework
- npm - Package and dependency management
- Zurb Foundation - Responsive front-end framework
- Apollo GraphQL - Query Language
- Go - Server programming language
- Google App Engine - Fully managed platform
- Google Cloud Datastore - NoSQL database
SemVer is used for versioning. For the versions available, see the
- George Tuan
This project is licensed under the MIT License.