This is a blog web application for traders where they can share their knowledge and expertise and also get to interact with one another in the platform.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Create a virtual environment:
To learn how to create and activate a virtual environment, check this link: Django - Create Virtual Environment
Install required packages:
All these packages are listed in the requirements file:
- Django
- Python-decouple
- Pillow
- djangorestframework
- mysql-connector-python
- crispy-bootstrap5
To learn how to use python-decouple, check this link: python-decouple
pip install requirements.txt
Configure your own database:
While using SQL lite is sufficient, you can choose to use a different database according to your preference. For this project, I have used MySQL. You need to install MySQL and configure it to work with this project. Reference Manual: How to Use MySQL with Django.
After, run the following commands when in the project directory.
cd TradersIn python createsuperuser python makemigrations python migrate
cd TradersIn
python runserver
On your browser, run the following link: or http://localhost:8000/.
The documentation of the API created using Django Rest Framework (DRF) is on the file
Want to make TradersIn better?
- Fork the project.
- Create a new branch to work on
git checkout -b <feature_branch>
- You can name the branch with the prefix
- Add your changes and push them to the branch:
git push
- Open a pull request
Lionel Gicheru LinkedIn