Created a quiz app to learn Japanese characters for a Japanese language learning Academy using Angular & Firebase.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- This is a web application that allows the students of Ricchaado Academy to study the characters they have learnt from their lessons on the Riccaado Academy website.
- Contributed to designing, building, testing and maintaining the app with over 200 active users.
- Gathered requirements from the CEO and implemented them.
- Angular
- Typescript
- Firebase
- Select what specifically what Japanese character group you want to study.e.g. Hiragana, Katakana etc.
- Select the specific columns of characters that you're weak on that you want to study
- Quiz yourself on those characters.
Project is: Complete
- Add a leaderboard
- Add profiles
- I would like to thank first and foremost Jesus Christ my Lord and saviour for getting me this far and keeping me at peace.
- I would next like to thank my friend Gee for keeping me motivated to work on this project daily by spending time with me in evening discord calls
- I would like to give a massive thanks to my church and Sunday funday group for making sure I touched grass every now and then and didn't stay inside all the time.
Created by Lionel Wilson - feel free to contact me!