This is kind of a continuation from my previous fixer PHP_Allman, but this time is based on PHP_CodeSniffer, which is more powerful and flexible in my opinion.
The principles are the same, tho:
- I believe in Allman indent style.
- I believe in tabs instead of spaces.
The good thing now, is that if you don't like one of those you can customize it easier.
Using composer:
composer require linnk/allman-codesniffer
Configuring Allman standard, you will need to add the whole path because it depends of the CakePHP standard in the repository:
composer/bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths vendor/linnk/allman-codesniffer/
composer/bin/phpcs --config-set default_standard Allman
$ composer/bin/phpcs path/to/your/code
Using composer:
composer global require linnk/allman-codesniffer
Make sure you have ~/.composer/composer/bin/ in your PATH, so you can run phpcs and phpcbf as a command line. Then, configure the Allman standard:
phpcs --config-set installed_paths ~/.composer/vendor/linnk/allman-codesniffer/
phpcs --config-set default_standard Allman
If everything is ok, you can check it “explaining” the default_standard:
phpcs -e
You should see the Allman standard definition at the beginning.
## Development
Clone it:
$ git clone
Compose it:
$ composer install
Configure it:
$ composer/bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths /full/path/to/Allman_CodeSniffer/
$ composer/bin/phpcs --config-set default_standard Allman
$ composer/bin/phpcs --config-set report_width auto
That's it.