Just copy mpsl.vim
into your plugin
- I like vim-airline. But its code is huge for such a simple task.(showing statusline)
- I like to manipulate and discover things and see what's going on under the hood(And i encourage you, too). So, instead of just using a huge plugin, install a minimal alternative and change it according to your needs.
You can add your own functions and call them later. For example i want to show file permisions and current git branch. First define them:
function! FilePermission()
return getfperm(expand('%:p'))
function! GitBranch()
let l:branchname = system("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null | tr -d '\n'")
return strlen(l:branchname) > 0?' '.l:branchname.' ':' '
And call them like this:
set statusline+=%1*\%{GitBranch()}
set statusline+=%1*\ %{FilePermission()}\ |
Also you can add unicode emojies like this:
set statusline+=%5*\ %{nr2char(0x1f47d)}
If you want to use different colors, first you should define different Highlight commands
. Here is an example:
hi User5 ctermbg=233 ctermfg=39 " Black/Sky-Blue
hi User6 ctermbg=233 ctermfg=007 " Black/Sky-Blue
And use them like this:
set statusline+=%5*\ %{nr2char(0x1f47d)}
Here is the list of colors: https://jonasjacek.github.io/colors/
- Bitcoin:
- Monero: