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Questo è il repository utilizzato per la fase di sviluppo del nuovo sito per OpenLabs. Qui includiamo alcune indicazioni sulla struttura del nuovo sito e alcune istruzioni su come creare o modificare contenuti.


Le immagini dei post elencati nella pagina principale devono avere una dimensione predefinita di 416x256 pixels.

I bannel locali per i post hanno dimensione 1280x416.

I minipost visibili sulla sidebar hanno dimensione 288x174;

Baseurl ?!?

Ecco un link per fugare ogni dubbio in merito.


Cerca nel sorgente le occorrenze della parola TODO per capire quali sono le operazioni da fare.

Qui sotto il README originario del tema Jekyll Editorial.

(WIP) Editorial - Jekyll Theme

A Jekyll version of the "Editorial" theme by HTML5 UP.

Editorial Theme

How to Use

For those unfamiliar with how Jekyll works, check out for all the details, or read up on just the basics of front matter, writing posts, and creating pages.

  • GitLab: Simply fork this repository and start editing the _config.yml file!
  • GitHub: Fork this reposity and create a branch named gh-pages, then start editing the _config.yml file! The .gitlab-ci.yml file is only needed for GitLab Pages, so feel free to delete this if you are using GitHub instead.

Added Features

  • Add your social profiles easily in _config.yml.


You can use the following custom parameters in _config.yml.


  • subtitle sets the text for the lighter colored text next to your site's title.


  • 500px_url
  • facebook_url
  • github_url
  • gitlab_url
  • googleplus_url
  • instagram_url
  • linkedin_url
  • pinterest_url
  • slack_url
  • twitter_url


Original README from HTML5 UP:

Editorial by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (

Say hello to Editorial, a blog/magazine-ish template built around a toggleable "locking"
sidebar (scroll down to see what I mean) and an accordion-style menu. Not the usual landing
page/portfolio affair you'd expect to see at HTML5 UP, but I figured for my 41st (!!!)
template I'd change it up a little. Enjoy :)

Demo images* courtesy of Unsplash, a radtastic collection of CC0 (public domain) images
you can use for pretty much whatever.

(* = not included)

AJ | @ajlkn


	Demo Images:
		Unsplash (

		Font Awesome (

		jQuery (
		html5shiv.js (@afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem)
		Misc. Sass functions (@HugoGiraudel)
		Respond.js (
		Skel (

Repository Jekyll logo icon licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.